Lewis Brackett (1 Sep 2024)
"Will the Gog Magog quakes destroy much of the Temple Mount?"

Will the Gog Magog quakes destroy much of the Temple Mount?

  Will Ezekiel’s Gog Magog earthquakes send  the Southern end of the
“Temple Mount”  sliding into the Kidron valley? Some “experts” said
some time ago that whole area of the wall could collapse at any time!
That area is actually a structure with lots of room under it.

   When you look closely at todays “Western Wall,” you can clearly see
that the top fifth of that wall is of recent construction, likely
about 500 years ago by Suliman the Magnificent.  Below this is the
wall built of ancient aslars; stone blocks put in place hundreds of
years before the Christian era.  These blocks have withstood many
major quakes over the centuries.

   With all that landfill sliding off that mountain top, both the
Al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock are likely to be just plain gone.
This will make way for the building the third* temple.

   After the obvious miracles done by God in wiping out Israel’s
enemies, and making it possible to build the temple, it should be a
slam dunk to get the Temple built. With the forces of radical Shia
Islam having just been destroyed by God, the more reasonable Sunni
will go along with this. Of course, in reality it won’t be just a
Jewish temple. It will be an interfaith temple for use by the three
Abrahamic faiths, just like was recently built in Saudi Arabia.

   So yes, the world will be greatly shaken by the coming quakes, fire
and rocks from heaven, making way for the AntiChrist.

       *Yes, what with King Herod tearing down the second Temple built
by Ezra, and building the third Temple, it’s really the fourth temple
that will soon be rebuilt.

Lewis Brackett