Admittedly, yes, maybe I mentioned this point last year > However it’s still a valid point. The wording and context around Daniel 12:12+ can be hard to actually nail down. One seldom considered context is that you have the Abomination polluting the temple happening seemingly 1290 days after mid trib on the 9th of Av. And then, the second coming ??? on the 1335th day some 45 days later. This is halfway between the feast of trumpets and the feast of Tabernacles. We “know” Jesus is coming to “Tabernacle” with His people. With this, it seems the start and ending of the Tribulation would be in the fall. Thus you can have the rapture on the feast of trumpets, with the Tribulation beginning maybe two or three months later, with the second coming Just before the end of the shortened tribulation period just before Tabernacles! It does to seem to fit. Now it’s just a minority opinion I thought of some years ago. Note, stuff like this may make your brain hurt! However, history and prophecy geeks like us thrive on this sort of prophetically geeky stuff- perhaps with some aspirin! > Lewis