Lewis Brackett (1 Sep 2024)
"The present Hebrew calendar is Way Off!"

  Yes, Way Off   Thing is, in the first century, the Hebrew elite
wanted to rally all the Jews to fight in the 135 AD rebellion against
Rome. To do this, they "reimagined" their calendar to make Daniel's 70
weeks prophecy point to their military leader Bar Kokhba as the
promised Messiah. The Hebrew Christians refused to go along with this,
however; and refused to fight against Rome.
   This refusal was the final straw for the non-believing Hebrews, who
then decided that any Jew who believed in Jesus could no longer be
considered a Jew. The final break had been declared, which remains to
this day.
   Today's Hebrew calendar is off by at least 100 years, so can not be
used in calculating times, or dates for the end of the age. Not that
anyone should do this anyway in my opinion 