Two prophecies close to being fulfilled
1. 1 The total destruction, annihilation and genocide of the descendants of Esau
“For My sword has drunk its fill in heaven; and upon the people whom I have designated for destruction. Behold it shall descend for judgement upon Edom, and upon the people whom I have designated for destruction” .... Isaiah 34:5 (Edom refers to the descendants of Esau)
“ Then the house of Jacob will be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame; But the house of Esau will be like stubble. And they will set them on fire and consume them, So that there will be no survivor of the house of Esau, for the LORD has spoken”. ...Obadiah 1:18
When I first started studying the bible in the 1980’s, I was told that the Palestinians were the descendants of Esau (Edomites). Herod was an Edomite. I do not know if that is true that the Palestinians are the descendants of Esau, but I find it “interesting”’ that Israel is being accused of committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. It appears to me that based on Obadiah 1:18 it will be Israel who will be used by God to eliminate the house of Esau. The world would consider that to be genocide.
2. 2 The destruction of Damascus
“The pronouncement concerning Damascus: Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city and it shall become a fallen ruin”.... Isaiah 17:1
Currently, Hezbollah operates out of Damascus in Syria and shoots rockets at Israel and Israel responds by sending fighter jets to bomb rocket launchers. If this war escalates, I do not think it will take much for this prophecy to be fulfilled.
Kurt S