Chance,Thank you for replying.You had written:
I think there is truth to the words - "He who strikes first wins." Russians would be stupid to just sit there....
I really agree with you on that one!Russia would suffer unimaginable destruction if they allow the U.S. to attack first, with nukes.So, yes, their only real choice is to preempt the U.S.However, for that to be fully successful, they probably wouldn't do it alone, but simultaneous with other nations also attacking the U.S.While Russian nukes fly over the north pole, and from submarines on both coasts, other nukes could find their way to the U.S. at the same time.China could also throw all their nukes at the U.S., as well as North Korea, Pakistan, and Iran (which probably already has nukes).This could occur simultaneously with EMPs, the takedown of the power grid, and the internet.Perhaps China could have a massive, unhindered, land invasion of Mexico's western coast, and quickly move forward up into the Permian Oil Basin.China and Russian troops could also quickly come through Canada to enter the U.S., taking the Bakken oil fields.Also, other nations could assist in various attacks from without and within, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, and more.They could also move against U.S. interests outside the country.How many countless numbers from these nations, like Iran, China, and others, may each already have a fifth column in place, who entered illegally?What could they strike? Power, water, and food distribution? Transportation hubs, military bases, and nuclear power plants?Could some of them also, similar to kamikazes or suicide bombers, release thousands of prepared bioweapons loose upon the U.S. population?
By combining their efforts, they would have a far greater chance of knocking out the U.S., before it could retaliate successfully.Most of those nations would most likely survive, and the U.S. would be gone.Those nations, if they continued working together, would be an unstoppable force that the rest of the world could not stand up against.They could rule by force, more than Germany did, or than Genghis Khan did, or even than Rome did.However, like Tolkien wrote about, they would need, "one ring to rule them all", i.e. one man with the authority of a preternaturally powerful evil fallen being.
Also, with the U.S. taken out of the way, nations of the world would be emboldened to attack Israel, to attempt to "liberate" Jerusalem for the muslim god.