I felt a little dizzy after reading this article. Talk about evil men waxing worse and worse. Deceiving and being deceived. The information is surreal. Luke 8:17 informs us that EVERYTHING will be revealed in the end times. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. Please see 2nd link.
I am still genuinely taken aback by the information in this article. I could kick myself for being naïve enough to think that Egypt has simply been caught up in all this nonsense with Gaza, and is trying to please both sides. Egypt is a MAJOR player in all this violence and mess. They loathe Israel just as much as the next muslim neighbour. Perhaps more! As Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us:- "What has been is what will be. And what has been done is what will be done and there is nothing new under the sun". Oh boy! This brings to mind the Exodus and the Red Sea miracle. With the USS Abraham Lincoln in situ, at the mouth of the Red Sea, we are RIPE for a soon disaster. The location is the same - as are the actors. Israel's ancient enemies.
Rabbi Glazerson has often cited a Bible Code that informs that 'a leading nation is Amalek' (mixed multitude). We would be beyond stupid to believe that the USA, UK, EU et al, are Israel's allies. Amalek is surrounding Israel too. All evil's battalions are poised to attempt to destroy Israel. We are on the precipice of our LORD'S return. Hallelujah!