Fay (15 Sep 2024)
"A 3rd Witness re the Dying Mainstream Media"


I am so grateful to have read this article - written by Terry James at Rapture Ready.  I have just read this, a day after posting my letters on the peculiar behaviour of the mainstream media. As noted - they are stuck in a time-warp. Excellently demonstrated in this article by Terry James. Well, well worth th4e read.


I am still dwelling on the fact that 'they' keep trying SO hard to win over public opinion. Public hearts and minds. Because when the public express our disapproval - they ignore it and attempt to come at it from a different angle. Using fear, mostly. Sometimes bribery. My question is WHY they need public approval/ acquiescence/consent? Do the wicked spiritual powers, who are conducting this operatic drama, NEED our consent? It does look like it.


I mean - if the globalists have power over all the armies and generals - surely they could just try and force us all into compliance? But, NO - they keep up the charade of elections and democracy. What is holding them hostage? Or rather, WHO is holding them back? The Restrainer, I believe.  Being the LORD Jesus Christ, Himself. When He (Christ, the Restrainer) is removed from the Temple in Heaven, where He has been serving as our daily and eternal sacrifice - and caught up to the Throne of God, to take His seat on the Throne to open the seals of Revelation (as per Revelation 12) - is when the Restraint is removed as satan is cast out of heaven. It all happens at once.


Until that incredible day happens - I believe that satanic powers are restrained on earth. Once our LORD Jesus takes His seat on the Throne, opens the Seals - returns to rescue us, the restraining power is gone. THIS is when the great tribulation begins.


Power of the Air Evil :: By Terry James - Rapture Ready


Please come soon, LORD Jesus.