Hi John and Doves,
Have you noticed the insane media scramble for our hearts and minds? It never ends. Each day we are bombarded with news, aimed at trying to sway us to a different point of view. Against all logical odds, the left-wing media (CNN, BBC et al) keep broadcasting - regardless of the well-known fact that few people trust or watch them. They keep pushing, pushing, pushing against public needs and opinion. Why is this? It's pretty obvious that they implement all their terrible plans anyway. Why is it important for them to push so hard for public approval?
They know that the LGBTQ+ stuff is hugely unpopular. The majority of the world's people are heterosexual. Are they deliberately trying to anger us - or, chip away at us? Normalising an idea to have it become acceptable with time? They are moving quickly to indoctrinate our youth into their warped agenda. Removing, as best they can, parental checks and balances. It's obvious they are in a very big hurry. Nothing they are doing is subtle or 'soft sell'.
I find the media propaganda bombardment very telling. It appears vitally important to them that we finally acquiesce to their agenda. It appears vitally important because Almighty God has ordained it so. Bible believers cannot and will not go along with their evil agenda - but they frantically keep trying to sway us - to influence us. They are using all the tools they have. Fear, bribery etc. The crunch will come when their time runs out. They will be left with very few people to enslave or sacrifice to their evil master. Scripture informs us that Almighty God cuts short the days of great tribulation or no flesh would be left.
Therefore - we must try not to despair at the horrific media onslaughts. We must take them as a sign of a desperate and frightened enemy who knows their time is short. An enemy who knows that they are about to lose. They are failing, abysmally, at winning our hearts and minds.
They are afraid of our prayers. Afraid of our spiritual power. We believers must realise the astonishing power of our prayers. Scripture has shown us - time and again - the astonishing power of prayer. Almighty God hears our prayers.
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Please come, LORD Jesus.