Hi Gino. Thank you for showing such concern and interest. I don't claim to know, for certain, whether these stories are true or false. But - it wouldn't surprise me if they are true. The thing is - the real world doesn't really see these things. I don't know if we are too media driven. If we walk outside our front doors and enter the real world, we don't see any of this bilge. Most of our perception is driven by mainstream media. Then the Christian world reacts. It really is NOT what is going on in the real world.
The only thing we can hang our hats on, with certainty, is Israel. All the rest is simply noise. Deafening noise. Written and sent to cause us massive anxiety and fear. Distorting our perception and leading us to think that evil is winning. Media lies and propaganda.
May God Bless you and yours, Gino. And all the Doves.
Fay: Are these for real, or are they exaggerating the points? (fivedoves.com)