Hi John and Doves,
It's astonishing the levels that the haters of Israel will go to, in order to stop the successful Israeli eradication of Hamas in Gaza. Much like the covid debacle, I suspect this polio epidemic to be another tool the globalists use to hamper Israel. Who could argue that 'no-one wants to get polio'. And, why Polio? A disease that has all but been eradicated from modern life? Cholera, or some such disease from lack of hygiene, would have been more believable. But, no - the powers-that-be want to ensure that the emotive message gets through. An old, deadly disease has been reintroduced to our modern world. I don't doubt that the polio virus has been let loose in Gaza. Deliberately? Much like covid. This is also another boon for the pharmaceutical industry to make more money out of war. No wonder scripture warns us about the 'pharmakeia' deception. Please see 2nd link.
This 3 day 'pause' is yet another tool to hobble Israel and her battle against evil. Evil will stop at NOTHING to destroy Israel and her people. To add to the entire debacle - since when do the globalists care about people dying? From war or disease? Would they call for a 'pause' in a war if they were facing an existential battle? I think not!
Israel, Hamas set pauses in fighting for Gaza polio vaccinations | Reuters
What is pharmakeia in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org
Please come soon, LORD Jesus.