Hi John and Doves,
This video from the Israel Guys. Run time: 12.38. It's a very interesting question indeed. Why are the Muslim's so obsessed with the Temple Mount? Why are ANY foreigners obsessed with the Temple Mount? Everyone seems bent on keeping the Jewish people off their holiest place of worship. WHY? I believe it's because they are all terrified of the coming of Messiah Jesus. And Jewish worship on the Temple Mount is a giant step toward this. Don't tell me that the devil's minions are ignorant of prophecy. They are all deeply involved in the occult and deem Lucifer as 'the bringer of light'. The 'bringer of knowledge'. They KNOW what the prophecies entail. They KNOW that Israel is now in hard labour - straining to give birth to our beloved Messiah. They KNOW that their last chance at ruling this world is by killing our Messiah Jesus and wiping out the Jewish people.
Which is why I believe that the Ezekiel 38 war, that unites all the nations to attack Israel, is because our Messiah Jesus has touched down on the Mount of Olives. I believe Jesus returns to Jerusalem when Israel is attacked by the Muslim hordes (Psalm 83). As per Natan and Caroline's testimonies. I believe that the nations unite to attack Israel BECAUSE Messiah Jesus has arrived. There can be no other logical reason. Remember - our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers and political leaders. Why? Because satan is the ruler of this world and now has his useful idiots in charge.
Gone will be the pretence that Israel is great western ally. All the evil rulers and leaders unite to try and kill Messiah Jesus. Hence, Ezekiel 38 and the onset of great tribulation. Read Revelation 8 where a 3rd of the ships are destroyed. There are umpteen ships circling around the Middle East as we speak! This comes directly after Revelation 7:9 which I believe is the rapture.
I expect many will disagree with this but it's the way I see it from scripture. I also believe we have very little time left before this scenario plays out.
Why is the U.S. State Department Obsessed with the Temple Mount? (youtube.com)
Please come soon, LORD Jesus