Hi John and Doves,
Rabbi Glazerson's latest code on the coming of Messiah. I found this code to be quite incredible. Moses and Elijah will be with Messiah when He returns in 5784 - which is this year! The word 'Salvation' is there and Rabbi G says the Hebrew word for salvation, which is Yeshua. This code shows the month of Elul and the year 5784. IF the Jewish people do not repent - return to the Torah, keep the Sabbath - the hordes of Ishmael will be allowed to attack and Israel will be forced to repent. This code presentation is well worth the watch. Run time: 11.36.
The Hebrew year of 5784 ends on Tishrei 1 - which is October 3rd, 2024 on the Gregorian calendar. This is when the Hebrew (Hebcal) calendar begins the year 5785. As the month of Elul begins on September 4th, that leaves 29/30 days until the new year of 5785. Not too far away, Doves. With the situation in Israel as it is, we can be assured that Israel is currently in hard labour - straining to give birth to our Messiah.
Messiah in the year 5784 2024 in Bible Code Matiyahu Glazerson (youtube.com)
Please come soon, LORD Jesus.