Fay (1 Sep 2024)
"Coronal Mass Ejections have Tails"


As in the dragons tail in Revelation 12: 3-4.  The dragon's tail that sweeps a third of the stars out of the sky and flings them to earth. Scroll down the page in the 1st link from spaceweather to see the article re CME's having tails. You will also see the article about a large CME that is targeting Venus. The 'tail' swipe will hit Venus on August 30th and will erode some of Venus' atmosphere.


Wow - it's pretty clear from all this information, that it will be a CME that will wipe out a third of the stars in the sky. The logic has slotted into place. As we are currently in 'solar max' with so many active sunspots on our sun, the time seems to be ripe for this to happen soon. With the dire situation in Israel, we can know that an attack is pretty imminent. Israel is in agonising labour at present. Crying out to give birth to our beloved Messiah Jesus.


Spaceweather.com Time Machine


Revelation 12 NIV - The Woman and the Dragon - A great sign - Bible Gateway