Fay (1 Sep 2024)
"The Star of Jacob?"


Hi John and Doves,


A fascinating article about this expected Nova burst emitting from T CrB. This news has been brewing for a few months now. Scientists are fully expecting it to go Nova in September. When it goes Nova, it will be as bright (if not brighter) than the North Star (Polaris). It will be visible to the naked eye for at least a week. The rabbinic prophecy re the Star of Jacob says that this Nova will occur on a future Elul 25th. This prophecy also says it will happen on a Friday.


25th Elul of this year corresponds to September 28th, 2024. Which is also the exact 9 year anniversary of Natan's visit to heaven in 2015. Huh! This date falls on a Saturday - but - we must remember that a Jewish day begins at sundown the day before (Friday)  and ends at sundown the next day. This fits right in with this prophecy. The date of 25th Elul this year is 11 months and 21 days from the infamous date of October 7th, 2023. The date of the horrific attack on the Nova Festival in Israel. It's very intriguing that this vicious, evil attack was perpetuated on a music festival named Nova. Pointing us toward the future burst of a Nova in 2024. Nothing is coincidence. Almighty God is signalling us.


Utterly fascinating article in the link below.


Scientists expect Star of Jacob to appear this month - Israel365 News


PLEASE come soon, LORD Jesus.