Fay (1 Sep 2024)
"Multi Culturalism is a Diversion."


Hi John and Doves,


I fully believe that none of us could give two cents for what colour a person is. Or where they originated from. The KEY is that they are Christian. Believers in Christ, our LORD and Saviour. This much-trumpeted media concept of 'racists, bigots' etc., is deliberately missing the point. The media is deliberately diverting from the true bottom line. All we care about is the shared values of Christianity, in it's truest and most honest form. The Jewish people have been blinded in part, for our sakes. We have been gifted the turmoil of Israel to teach us all about the consequences of disobeying Almighty God. But, in the end, all Israel will be saved. It's Israel and the Jewish people who brought us the Word of God. Who produced our beloved Messiah Jesus. We are grafted onto the rootstock of Israel and her people.  Hallelujah.


All this hysteria about multi-culturalism is a deliberate diversion for what is really going on. Major life choices are being made. 


The rest is just NOISE!


ABC's left-wing audience left speechless by question about Australia (msn.com)