Dear Doves:
This message says "Evil dictators and rulers of this world are ready to push that red button" as below.This message also says "I am about to unleash all hell on the Earth" as below.As I introduced "On a holiday?" several times, 9/2 is Labor Day which is the last holiday of 3 major holidays.9/2 is 14 days from Super Blue Moon on 8/19 and 14 means Salvation.9/2 is 22(11+11) days from the closing ceremony of Paris Olympics on 8/11 and 11 means Judgment.9/2 is 4(Door) months 25(5x5) days from the Solar Eclipse on 4/8 and 5 means Grace.And from the sunset of 9/2 a new moon of Elul begins.We all know an importance of a new moon as it's written in Colossians 2:16-17.Could "a big explosion when the moon is in the top of it's phase" indicate a new moon instead of a full moon?This coming new moon will be located in Virgo which fits to Rev.12.And this video claims that Iran will have nuclear bombs very soon.According to this message, a big one in California could occur very soon.If SD occurs in the Middle East or US as the midnight cry on 9/2, the Firstfruits Bride will rise on the third day.This message says "Rise up, Rise up, Warriors" as below.We all know that the Lord witnessed for 40 days after the Resurrection and Jonah warned for 40 days.Likewise, the Warriors could work for 40 days from Elul 1 which is the same period of the 40 days of Teshuvah.However, since the 40 days of Teshuvah ends on Yom Kippur, there is a problem.Because the fall feasts should be fulfilled when Yeshua returns in Israel, Yom Kippur can't be fulfilled by Church.Amazingly, someone received that 3 days of darkness will be attached to end of The Time of Sorrows.It could be the design of the Almighty so that Yom Kippur is not going to be fulfilled doubly.I believe that The 40 Days of Teshuvah, The Harvest of The Bride and The Time of Sorrows are the same period.Maranatha!