David E (8 Sep 2024)


The last mention of Barak in the Bible is Hebrew 11:32.

The verse sums to 1318 English ordinal.

The first mention of Abinoam is in Judges 4:6.

The verse sums to 2274

2274-1318 = 659 backward.

659+659 = 1318

659-175 = 484

Revelation 13:18 is verse 175 from the end.

2274-1669 = 509 backward and upside down

509 = 181+163+165

1669 is the sum of the names of the 8 kings.

41 to 47 summed =  308

3:08 pm is 1508 hours

1+508 = 509

  • George Herbert Walker Bush = 253 (41st President)
  • William Jefferson Clinton = 264 (42nd President)
  • George Walker Bush = 177 (43rd President)
  • Barack Hussein Obama II = 181 (44th President)
  • Donald John Trump = 185 (45th President)
  • Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. = 243 (46th President)
  • Donald John Trump = 185 (47th President, assuming he serves again)
  • Barack Hussein Obama II = 181 (48th President, assuming he serves again)

  • 1669

    David E
    Wow! Thanks, David.
    Heb 11:32 is great!