David E (15 Sep 2024)
"Revelation 17"


Hell = 37 Paradise = 73
Washington DC = 137 and United States of America = 228.
Day 137, 228 days remain.
137+228 = 73+73+73+73+73
July 4th is day 37+37+37+37+37
There are 1440 minutes in a day.
There are 228 primes up to 1440
There are 137 primes up to 774.
1440-774 = 666
Counting 441 to 477 = 37
1440+774 = 2214
Between 2214 and 2028 = 185
Day 185 is July 4th
1776 +252 = 2028
252 = 21×12
73 and 37 are the 21st and 12 primes, respectively.
2028 hours is 8:28 pm
828-252 = 576
5:76 pm is 1776 hours
Counting 616 to 73+73+73+73+73 = 252
6:16 pm is 1816 hours
1776 hours is 1816 hours
When 1776 = 777
2028 = 30
777-30 = 747
777×30 = 666+666 backward
1776-(666+666) backward = 185+185+185
Day 185 is 7 4
74 = 37+37
185 = 37+37+37+37+37
1776-666 = 37+37+37 backward
1×7×7×6 = 294
Counting 666 to 294 = 373
373 is the 74th prime
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