David E (1 Sep 2024)
"Revelation 17"

Introducing the Eight Kings of Revelation 17

English Ordinal Values or Hell = 37 and Paradise = 73

  • George Herbert Walker Bush = 253
  • William Jefferson Clinton = 264
  • George Walker Bush = 177
  • Barack Hussein Obama II = 181
  • Barack Hussein Obama II = 181 (second time)
  • Donald John Trump = 185
  • Donald John Trump = 185 (second time)
  • Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. = 243

  •  What was, was not, and is.  That is why Trump and Obama are listed twice.

    The sum of 253+264+177+181+181+185+185+243 = 1669 the 263rd prime

    1669 hours is 1709 hours or 5:09 pm

    509 = 163+165+181

    Barack Hussein Obama = 163
    Barack Hussein Obama II = 165
    Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181

    Counting 509 to 724 = 216, and Barry, aka Barack, was born at 7:24 pm on day 216.

    509 is the 97th prime

    Between 97 and 163 backward is 263

    Presidents by the numbers

    41+42+43+44+45+46+47+48 = 356 or Donald John Trump + Barry Soetoro

    41+42+43+44+45+46+47 = 308

    308 - 97 = 211 the 47th prime

    Beast = 47 and Forty-seven = 149 and Judas Iscariot = 149

    308+263 = 175 backward, and Revelation 13:18 is verse 175 from the end

    The verse, Revelation 13:18, sums to 1924 backward.

    Obama was born at 1924 hours.

    2028 - 1669 = 356 upside down or Donald John Trump + Barry Soetoro

    2025-1669 = 356

    1669 - Red Heifer (78) = 1591 or 3:91 pm, 163 upside down and reversed

    1724 - 1669 = Satan (55) or Judas (55)

    1724 hours is 5:24 pm, and 524 is 163+361

    There are 1440 minutes in a day.

    Between 1669 and 1440 is 228.

    United States of America = 228.  Day 228, and Washington DC (137) remains.

    22 8 is day 13*18

    1669 - 1621 = 84 backward and 8 4 is day 6*6*6, Barry's BD.

    1621 is the 257th prime, and Genesis 25 7 is verse 666.   The subject is 175.

    17 5 is day 137 (Washington DC)

    257 is the 55th prime, Satan = 55

    1669-1458 = 211 the 47th prime

    Barry Soetoro = 1458 when Barack Hussein Obama = 793.

    Counting 793 to 1458 is 666

    1458-887 = 175 backward

    Judas Iscariot = 887 when Barry Soetoro = 1458

    666-509 = 157 the 37th prime.

    The 73rd prime is 367.  367+157 = 163+361

    1669 backwards - 1669 = 12*666

    1669 - 1451 = Satan + Barack Hussein Obama (55+163)

    Kamala Devi Harris = 251 backward

    2:51 is 1451 hours

    Joseph Robinette Biden Jr = 243, and 2:43 is 163 minutes.

    Between 1669 and 1405 = 263

    1405 hours is 2:05 pm, and day 205 is 7 24

    Counting 1669 to 1309 = 163 backwards

    1309 hours is 1:09 pm

    Day 109 is 4 19

    419 is 914 backward, and 9 14 is day 257, the 55th prime.

    David E