Hello John and Doves,Fay had two very interesting letters last week involving the month of Elul - the month we are in now. One was about Rabbi Glazerson's latest findings on Elul and 5784, the year we are in now, and the other about the prophesied Star of Jacob and an upcoming thermonuclear explosion in the Heavens that astronomers believe will take place this month. Links below if you missed these letters.Rabbi Glazerson Codes:Fay's letter "The King is in the Field' - could be of prophetic significance for the Hebrew month we just entered - Elul. For us and the Jewish people and Israel.She linked Rabbi Glazerson's recent Youtube video on the year 5784 and the month of Elul. In this code, the Messiah returns in 5784. With Elijah and Moses. Elul is the month of repentance.As Fay pointed out, 5784 ends early in October.Elul - The King is in the FieldIt has been a while since I last looked at Rabbi Glazerson's videos - so I listened to the one Fay linked in her letter and he talked about two tables - he had a similar one just two days before: On the same words: Elul, 5784, Messiah, repentance.
MONTH ELUL 5784 2024 REPENTANCE MESSIAH SON OF JESSE MATITYAHU GLAZERSON - YouTuberun time 4;22He pointed out that Elul and 5784 only appear twice together in the Torah. And the only way to save Israel and the Jews from Iran/Hamas/terrorists is with the help of God.I think when the Lord notes something twice - you should really pay attention. (If Rabbi Glazerson is alive after the Rapture I bet he could use the codes to point him and other Jews directly to Jesus, their Messiah - the one he's been looking for for a very long time.)The Star of Jacob:Then Fay had another letter - also about the month of Elul - concerning a prophecy in the Zohar: - a star that will appear on the 25th of Elul.
The Star of Jacob?
This link is in her letter:
Scientists expect Star of Jacob to appear this month - Israel365 News
It's possible that we may witness the eruption of a star - "T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) also known as the "Blaze Star" is poised to light up the night sky in a once-in-a-lifetime nova event. "..astronomers are confident it will occur before the end of September 2024."T CrB is a "recurring nova". And this will be visible to the naked eye!T CrB is really a binary star systems "consisting of a red giant and a white dwarf, orbiting each other every 228 days. The white dwarf, the Earth-sized remnant of a once massive star, is in the process of siphoning hydrogen from its companion red giant. Over time, this stolen hydrogen accumulates on the surface of the white dwarf, creating immense heat and pressure. Once the temperature reaches a staggering 10 million degrees Celsius, a runaway thermonuclear reaction occurs (similar to the explosion of a hydrogen bomb), igniting the nova.""For a few days, the white dwarf will transform into one of the brightest starts in the sky providing a rare visual spectacle for stargazers....Keep in mind that while the brightest part of the explosion may only last a few hours, the star will remain visible for several days as it slowly fades back into obscurity."These 'explosions' take place every 80 years or so. The last time was in 1946.
The Blaze Star Nova Return After 80 Years—Here’s How to See It - NASA Space News
Talk about a sign in the heavens!
The Star Out of Jacob and the Scepter Out of Israel
It would really be something if this explosion takes place in the month of Elul and on the 25th of Elul - maybe it is the prophesied Star of Jacob! Numbers 24:17
Numbers 24:17 I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come forth from Jacob, and a scepter will arise from Israel. He will crush the skulls of Moab and strike down all the sons of Sheth.
And the month of Elul ends with the start of the month of Tishrie on the next new moon - expected to be sighted on October 4 - Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets.Thank you for your letters, Fay. Surely wonderful things are ahead!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha~Chance