Hello John and Doves,For those looking for a specific date or "appointed time" for the Rapture -Some people think we've started the month of Elul, some think we've started the month of Tishrei. I've noted dates for both months.
The new moon was sighted on Wednesday evening from Bible Hill, Jerusalem, Israel on September 4, 2024. (The next new moon sighting is expected on October 4th.)The Month of Elul:Based on the Aviv barley conditions in Israel in March 2024, I believe we are in the month of Elul and not the month of Tishrei. With the first month starting April 9/10 first day of Nisan.
Barley Conditions in Israel March 2024 (Adar 5784) – Hebrew In Israel
The first day of Elul is September 4 to September 5.Firstfruits of New Oil:I am interested in this day because of Paul's telling us about an order to 'firstfruits' resurrections - 'every man in his own order' - in 1 Corinthians 15:20-23. And there are three bikkurim or firstfruit feasts: New Grain (Firstfruit of New Wheat/Ascension Day), New Wine (Firstfruit of New Wine/Acts Pentecost/Holy Spirit - start of the Church Age), and New Oil (Firstfruit of New Oil/Rapture - end of the Church Age?). Firstfruits of New Oil is the next firstfruits in order to be fulfilled by Jesus.Possible Dates of Firstfruits of New Oil:The Zadokite Calendar: September 8
Zadokite Qumran Calendar | Zadok Way
The 22nd day of Elul according to the Essenes - sunset Sept 25 to sunset Sept 26.The next to the last day of Elul - sunset October 2 to sunset October 3.My 50 day count from Feast of New Wine to Feast of New Oil: October 2. (Same count as Dr. Awe.)Or Is This The Month Of Tishrei?:The first day of Tishrei is September 4 to September 5.IF the Torah calendar is correct, we've started the month of Tishrei.Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah has always been a highly anticipated day for the Rapture - sunset September 4 to sunset September 5. Then the Days Of Awe.Followed by Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement - sunset September 13 to sunset September 14. Sukkot or Tabernacles is sunset September 18 through sunset September 25.Shemini Atzeret - another good possibility for the Rapture is sunset September 25 to sunset September 26. The Last Great Day.That ends the Feast Days for the Torah Calendar for the yearI believe we only have a few weeks of 'normal' left. I pray the Rapture is in our near future!!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!ChanceI've sent this letter to Doves before John Tng's "Rapture in the Month of Elul" letter - looking forward to reading that to see what he has to add for this most interesting month. The last month before the start of the Fall Feasts - the three feasts associated with the End Times.