Chance (1 Sep 2024)
"Another Look At the Gog and Magog War"

Hello John and Doves,
Judea and Samaria (known as 'the West Bank') has become another fighting front for Israel.
At a conference in Istanbul, Turkey, Hamas has called for martyrdom operations in the West Bank.
Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said, "I reiterate my call for everyone to participate on multiple fronts in the actual resistance against the Zionist entity."
The other day, I was talking to a friend about Bible Prophecy - he said he believes that the October 7 attack on 'the unwalled villages of Israel' was actually the start of the Ezekiel War.
I know many people believe the Gog and Magog war will be very short - maybe one day.  But I don't believe we are told how long this war is...
He went on to say, that Russia would only be concerned about the oil field off the coast of Israel.  That would be, in part, the 'come to take a spoil' part of Ezekiel 38.
He went on to say that Israel will never again be a nation of unwalled villages or of people 'dwelling safely' so this must be the start of this war.
Interesting thoughts as it sure seems like trouble in the Middle East for Israel has been escalating continuously since October 7 and this area will never go back to 'peace and security'.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!