Hello John and Doves,In this recent Youtube video on Prophecy Watchers channel, Dr. Larry Ollison talked about 'the Rapture and beyond.' He made the statement that as to the Rapture timing, "We can know the season."'Season' meant something different to Paul and Jesus' followers than it does to us today.Gary Steaman and Larry Ollison exchanged thoughts on the Rapture - that the Rapture won't be a quiet, secret event - the Lord comes with a shout, with the trumpet - a worldwide event, and the graves are opened and bodies will come out of the graves...and the bodies of all Believers are changed 'in a twinkling of an eye' into resurrected bodies and then they will ascend slowly like Jesus did on Ascension Day - this will be hard to keep a secret because of all the phones, cameras people have today. This will hit the internet. It will be a worldwide, well known event. "It will be no secret." Gary said, "It will shake the world to its foundations."Larry said Jesus comes as a thief to those in darkness, but we are of the light and he believes "there will be a sense in the body of Christ" as to the coming of the Rapture; he sees Christians becoming aware that Jesus' return is soon. And that we may not know the day or the hour, but "we will know the season."Gary talked about the rate that the world is dissolving into absolute anarchy - street marches, weird politics, dictators rising, etc. This tells us we are definitely in the End Times. More in the video.Times and Seasons:Seasons does not refer to spring, summer, etc. - but a specific fixed time.In my King James Study Bible, there is a section on "times" and "seasons" concerning 1 Thessalonians 5:1: Paul wrote, "But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.""Times (Gr. chronos) denotes "periods of time" as opposed to seasons (Gr. kairos) which are specific points of time."Season:The Greek word for "season" is "kairos" which means 'of the times', an "appointed time", an occasion. A "fixed and definite time"
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance: Greek 2540. καιρός (kairos) -- time, season
Moed:Concerning Leviticus 23 and the Feasts of the Lord: "Feast of the Lord is the term used in the expression "tent of meeting" (moed) thus they are assemblies of the people taking place at set time, and as holy convocations they are celebrated at the tabernacle. The description of these events as feasts (hag, which means "pilgrim feast" or simply "holiday", i.e. a day or season.5:According to this website, Mo-ahd is often translated as "appointed time". "Mo-ahd means to set an appointment..for a specific assembly of festival. The plural of "mo-ahd" is "moedim".
What Are the Moedim? The 7 Appointed Times — FIRM Israel
Leviticus 23:4 "There are the Lord's appointed feasts, which ye shall proclaim at their appointed times."'Seasons' in Genesis 1:14 and Zechariah 8:19 are "feasts". A set time, feasts with dates.So, here 'season' doesn't mean spring, summer, fall, winter...it is a set time - like an appointed feast.So when Paul wrote 'of the times and seasons' I have no need that I write unto you.." It sounds like they had a pretty good idea on which set date the Lord will come in the Rapture (they didn't know the year, obviously). Paul goes on to tell them why - "he doesn't need to write to them about the timing of the Rapture - because you are not in darkness that this day should overtake you as a thief." 1 Thessalonians 5:4.The Jewish people were very familiar with the Feasts of the Lord. And Paul was a student of the Torah - he knew all the ends and outs of the Feast Days.In fact, he wrote that THAT day should not overtake you as a thief. It's a specific day. THAT day.Some believe that John the Baptist was an Essene. In Isaiah 40:3 instructions were given "to go out into the wilderness and "prepare the way of the Lord." Which the Essenes followed. And some believe that "the Essenes rewrote the biblical festival calendar in the Temple Scroll to include two further bikkurim festivals to celebrate wine and oil. There are numerous texts in the Torah concerning the new grain, new wine and new oil - that these had to be presented to the Lord. The Jewish people had ceremonies for each of these offerings. These were important to the Lord. The people could not consume of the new grain, the new wine or the new oil until firsfruits had been presented to the Lord on a specific set day - a appointed time.Paul being very well-educated in all things Jewish - he knew about all of the Feasts of the Lord (on a side note - not all the 'accepted' 7 Feasts of the Lord are mentioned or celebrated in the New Testament but they are written about in Leviticus - and new wine and new oil are written about in many places in the Old Testament.) - Paul knew of all the appointed days even for all of the firstfruits presented to the Lord by the High Priest. Paul had to have seen how Jesus Christ was fulfilling each of the Feasts of the Lord ...in order. This "order" followed these Feasts of the Lord - "every man would be raised up in his own order" 1 Corinthians 15:20 - 23.Paul was aware that there was a set day - THAT day - for the Rapture. What is THAT day? In looking at 'the order' of the appointed days, the Feast of New Oil is next to be fulfilled by the Lord. Will this day be the Rapture? Is Feast of New Oil THAT day in order that Paul was telling the Thessalonians about?When Larry Ollison said that he believes we will know the season - I don't think he was using 'season' like Paul and the Jews understood 'season' - "an appointed time". They were looking for THAT day - one chosen day. Larry was using it like a period of time. He said he was looking for the Rapture any day. Yet, Paul tells us it's an 'appointed time' and THAT day won't catch us unaware....The New International Version of 1 Thess 5:4 is: "But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.....and New Living Translation: "and you won't be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief."Will Believers be surprised IF the Rapture happens on an "appointed day"?Just some thoughts for now...Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance