Chance (1 Sep 2024)
"What Price?  Control Of The U.S. Government"

Hello John and Doves,
We may only have a few weeks left of 'normal'.   Are we soon to see our country in a civil war because of the election?  Or will there be terrorist attacks - maybe even 'inside' jobs making it look like Iran or China....Or will WW3 hit hard and heavy?  All disrupting the 2024 election?
Our own FBI has been stonewalling on handing over information on the attempted assassination plot of President Trump - making it look awfully suspicious that it was an inside job.  Director Wray has been warning us for months now of China in our infrastructure, Iran hacking into our elections, ISIS-like terrorists attacks to happen because of jihadis coming over our southern border.  Maybe it's THEM who'll do the take down of our grid and hack our elections and conduct terrorist attacks on our cities...or THEY will just let them because they've certainly done precious little to stop any of this.
This recent article in USAWatchdog covered an interview with Martin Armstrong - geopolitical and financial expert:
"Almost everything you see and hear with the Lying Legacy Media and the government is a lie.  Just this past week, the Biden Administration backtracked about employment as it was widely reported, "US economy added 818,000 fewer jobs than first reported in the year that ended in March."  A huge miss or a huge lie - take your pick.  Other big lies we have been told in recent years:  "Trump is colluding with Russia."  "Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation." and the "CV19 vax injections are "safe and effective".  That is just scratching the surface of the lies we are told on a daily basis."
"Martin Armstrong says, "We are in a period of great uncertainty...When people are uncertain, they don't spent.  They save.  That's what happens in a depression and a recession."
"Armstrong says another big lie told to the public is the approval rating of Kamala Harris.  The so-called polls say Harris is running neck and neck with Donald Trump in the presidential race.  Don't believe it.  Armstrong says a recent dive on his Socratees computer program shows, "Kamala approval rating came in around 10.5%.  (A second confidential source says Kamala's approval rating is 8.5%.)  Confidence in government is 7%.  So how can Kamala possibly be 40%, 50%, and 60%?  It's illogical...The polls are really propaganda at this point.  They were propaganda back in 2016.  They all said HIllary would win, and she would sweep Trump under the carpet....The computer says Trump should win I don't know how the hell they will allow that to happen.  They have to trap Trump into a war or they kill him, one or the other.  These people are unconscionable...We are looking at serious civil unrest regardless of who wins in November.  Neither side is going to accept it."
Armstrong said, that if there is a big war the U.S. will default on its debt....."I am very concerned they will start WWIII before the end of the year and maybe by September."
And add this to the quite possible coming turmoil in America:   the movie "Civil War" (2024) is set by HBO Max to be released on September 13, 2024.  (I think 'Hollywood' knows too much and leaks stuff sometimes...)  Interesting timing....

"The trailers show a gripping story where the United States is caught in a civil war.  An authoritarian government run by a president who's in his third term, is facing off against secessionist groups....In the near future, a group of war journalists attempt to survive while reporting the truth as the United States stands on the brink of civil war."  (Sounds like Obama in his third term....)
Civil War (2024) Streaming Release Date: When Is It Coming Out on HBO Max?
run time 2:23
Add this to the Obama movie:  "Leave The World Behind" that we've had many Doves letters on late last year and early this year.  
Many people have "speculated whether the film is foreshadowing our current world, given that war is a prevalent theme throughout its duration."  In the film, one of the characters comes "to the conclusion that a foreign force is attempting to create discord inside the U.S. and spark a civil war.  His thesis is that the country will implode and Americans will begin to turn against each other."
What Was The Obamas Involvement in Netflix's 'Leave The World Behind'?
We've had LOTS of warnings of 'terrorist' attacks coming to the U.S. this year - per FBI Director Wray, AG Garland - that 'the Chinese' are in all of our infrastructure and when they're ready they'll take everything down.  
THEY are letting us know...something bad is coming.
FBI Director Wray (of the FBI that's weaponized against the American people) was yet again warning of 'heightened threats' last week.  He's 'preparing' us for something - and we don't know if it's going to be THEM doing the attacks or an outside enemy.  (My bet is on THEM.)

Wray is saying the exact same thing he said early in the year - that he's never seen so many different kinds of threats all elevated at once.  This is the same FBI that is stonewalling on the assassination attempt information, that lied about the Hunter laptop, that lied about Russia collusion, that covered up the Las Vegas massacre, that raided the homes of innocent Americans and rounded up Jan 6 people for just walking through the building; that censored Americans for 'misinformation' on social media during the 2020 presidential campaign and during the Covid-19 debacle.  
He said the FBI is facing "heightened concerns, both domestic and international, as well as Chinese espionage and intellectual property theft and foreign election interference."
IF the FBI is sooo concerned about an 'attack similar to October 7' happening in the U.S. - why isn't Wray telling DHS or DOJ or FBI or the White House to close the border and start vetting people?
And he's been squawking about the Chinese in our infrastructure - well...why didn't the FBI do something about it when they first saw what the Chinese were doing?  Why wait and tell us AFTER all of our infrastructure has been infected??
This article came out a week ago - 
And this one back in March:
"Chinese government-linked hackers have burrowed into U.S. critical infrastructure and are waiting "for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow", FBI Director Christopher Wray said...An ongoing Chinese hacking campaign known as Volt Typhoon has successfully gained access to numerous American companies in telecommunications, energy, water and other critical sectors with 23 pipeline operators targeted...Chines is developing the ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing.  It's plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic."
FBI says Chinese hackers preparing to attack US infrastructure | Reuters
THEY are certainly getting a whole range of possible election interrupters lined up for us over the next couple of months....and a quick pandemic, and WW3 are also  possibilities...any number of things can happen between now and November 5 (or December 17).
I agree with so many others - the globalists/Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Corp/U.N./NATO/EU/China and many, many others all have their reasons for being adamantly opposed to President Trump being elected to the office of the president in 2024.  I believe they will do anything even push full blown WW3 to stop him.
I can't see THEM taking one step back in their precious agenda for the world.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!