Hello John and Doves,I've always believed the Shroud of Turin to be the linen cloth that Jesus' body was wrapped in and that the image on it appeared - like a photo - because of the energy used for resurrecting His body. Like a powerful EMF of sorts, leaving a reverse image of the body on the linen cloth. I see it as an amazing, mysterious "gift" from Jesus to His followers. Scientists still do not know how it was made - people have been fascinated by it for centuries.Fay had a letter last week, 25 Aug 2024 "The Shroud of Turin now Constantly in the News" - The Shroud of Turin now Constantly in the News
Fay linked the DailyMail.com 23 August, 2024 article - "Scientists are calling for a new analysis of the Shroud of Turin amid a seemingly growing body of evidence that challenges the idea it's a fake."I certainly agree with Fay. Interesting timing that scientists are calling for new analysis - with everything going on. This is hitting headline news now in the U.S. too.Fay wrote, "This must be by the Hand of Almighty God. Which means that our Lord's return is nigh." I certainly agree. Something is up. Because, why now is this news going viral? This is catching people's attention, after years of little news.Other news has come out too about the Shroud - and it's from 2022 testing - and it's just now MSM in the U.S.:"The Shroud of Turin remains one of the most studied and debated artifacts in history."The Shroud of Turin was first on public display in the 1300s. "It has been preserved in the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista in Turin, since 1578." A Catholic Bishop once identified it as a fake - a "cunning" painting.Italian scientists at Italy's Institute of Crystallography of he National Research Council, have dated the cloth to 'around 2,000 years ago' - "consistent with the era of Jesus". And with the dating to the time of Jesus, this "supports the theory that the bloodstained pattern on the shroud could indeed have been left by Jesus' body after His crucifixion.""The cloth itself reveals faint, brownish images of a gaunt man, standing between 5'7" and 6' tall, with markings that correspond to the crucifixion wounds described in the Bible, including thorn marks on the head, lacerations on the back, and bruises on the shoulders. These details align with the biblical account of Jesus' suffering, suggesting that the man depicted on the shroud endured similar torture."A 1988 carbon dating test should the fabric to have originated "between 1260 and 1390 A.D. This finding was based on the decay of carbon-14, a radioactive isotope, which led many to dismiss the shroud as a medieval forgery."New testing, involving the dating of the degradation of cellulose in the linen cloth, using wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), dates the shroud to the first century A.D.. They also compared the shroud's cellulose degradation to that of other linens, one such linen found at Masada, Israel. The degradation was consistent.And they compared the degradation to linen from the 1260 - 1390s - no similarities were found.It's interesting timing that this testing is being reported on now - the results of new testing was reported back in 2022 - but it's just now hitting MSM in the U.S. Looks like it hit the U.S. news on or about August 21, 2024.Newsweek reported on this Shroud Study in this Aug 21, 2024 article:"The authors (of the study) said the results of their analysis were "fully compatible" with analogous measurements obtained from a linen sample whose dating, according to historical records, is A.D 55 -74 and consistent with the hypothesis that the Shroud is a 2,000 year old relic." The authors suggest further testing for confirmation of their results.
Turin Shroud Study Claims Controversial Cloth Does Date to Time of Jesus - Newsweek
The Shroud of Turin Tour in the U.S.:I remember visiting The Shroud of Turin tour back in the late 1980s when it was in Atlanta, Georgia. Scientists had done a lot of tests recently on the Shroud and reported their results in this tour. They approached the Shroud like it was a crime scene and they were forensic scientists.We were told that some of the scientists came to this study believing the Shroud was a 'fake' and that there were atheists in their group - so the study's findings were reported with as little bias as possible as some were sure it would test as a fake.They noted that there was no decay on the linen from the body and the image showed no body decay; leading them to the conclusion that the body 'disappeared' before decay set in - decay would have been expected after three days of death. Also, because none of the blood clots were 'smeared' across the cloth - they said the body had to just disappear They also said that whatever made the image involved a LOT of energy - and that this energy came from a short distance away from the body. I think they said two feet? So the body laid in the cloth, undisturbed, for up to three days before it 'disappeared' due to a powerful external energy source.Scientists showed how they tested the 'blood' on the Shroud - they said they expected it to test as animal blood. They were shocked when the test showed it was human blood. They showed the equipment and testing being done and the results on the printouts - the blood was human. (Years later, this article reported another study showed that the bloodstains were 'unrealistic' and therefore the Shroud was probably a fake.)
Shroud of Turin Is a Fake, Bloodstains Suggest | Live Science
They analyzed all the marks on the body - they counted the number of times he was scourged, they identified the instruments of the scourging, they determined that two men whipped Him - one man was shorter than the other; one man struck harder than the other they counted the thorns in His head, the noted the nail prints in his wrists and feet, the 'blood' at his side due to piercing with something in the shape of a spear-head - they were very detailed, - it was a coroner's report. They saw the image of what they thought were coins on His closed eyelids.They added up all of the details of what happened to Christ's body, even how his hair would have looked during that time - from His arrest to the crucifixion - - and compared them to what they found on the body of the Shroud - their conclusion was that it was statistically impossible for this image of be of any body other than that of Jesus Christ. They had also put all of the information of Jesus in a computer program along with all the findings on the Shroud - the computer calculated the probabilities and reported some astronomically huge number that this Shroud could only be that of Jesus Christ's.The Blood On The Shroud/Coins On The Eyelids:In the above article, they reported on another study done on the blood at the Institute of Crystallography. They found "evidence of blood from a torture victim on the Shroud, identifying substances like creatinine and ferritin, which are typically present in victims of sever trauma. These findings contradict the theory that the image was painted by medieval forgers.As for the coins - this 2017 article said that analysis showed the coins were "coined in the days of Pontius Pilate, circa the year 29 AD.
Coins of the Shroud of Turin Identified--Aleteia
Beyond A Reasonable Doubt:It's amazing how many atheists are involved in the testing - they want to prove it fake. But it keeps coming up, time and time again, as real. And they request 'more testing' to be conclusive.' Keeping it an even bigger enigma.Today, "Beyond a reasonable doubt is the legal burden of proof required to affirm a conviction in a criminal case."
beyond a reasonable doubt | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
It sure looks like a lot of the testing and statistics has shown that this is indeed the Shroud of Jesus Christ's - beyond a reasonable doubt.And this later testing hitting the news has created a "minor media firestorm".Nothing happens by coincidence...The Shroud of Turin is back on the front page. God put it there.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance