The Gematria of 2024 is 2+0+2+4= 8 which means Jesus in Biblical mathematics and 2024/5784 is a leap year on both the Jewish and Gregorian calendars with an extra 13th month called Veadar. Rosh Hashanah will begin the 77th year of the beginning of Israel on 5785—the GREAT HARVEST—the RAPTURE or REDEMPTION—Psalms 118: 19,20. The window of heaven is opened for the Marriage supper of the Lamb in heaven.
A planetary alignment of Jupiter and Uranus occured on April 20 meaning God the Father will soon judge those who rejected Him and many have seen the rapture in 2024 in dreams. The gematria of 5784= 24 means completion of the Mark 16 mission of preaching the gospel to confirm 2024 as the year of the rapture which ends on Rosh Hashanah Eve 5785—9/11/2001 inclusive was 24 years ago. The word in Greek was Harpozo which was translated into Latin as Rapturos.
Nisan 1 on April 8 ( solar eclipse day) was 6 years/6 months/6 weeks/6 days between the 2017/2024 solar eclipses meaning the Lord is marking America for destruction without repentance with the 666 standing for judgment in Revelation. The solar eclipse was 7 years/7months/7 days from the annular eclipse on 9/1/2016 with perfect divine timing to fulfill Joel 2:30 and Rosh Hashanah Eve 5785 is 6 months on 10/2/24 from the solar eclipse which ends the Jewish leap year.
The last double eclipse was in the winter of 1811 and the New Madrid earthquake happened three months later with the Mississippi River flowing backwards fifty miles wide and will repeat for negotiating to divide Israel against the Lord with a two- state solution which will never happen.
This megaquake will divide America in half causing martial law, depression, death, followed by the Yellowstone caldera eruption with tsunamis from Mount Fuji in Tokyo---7 million deaths and the tsunami takes out Hawaii and the west coast) and the Canary Islands in Africa will destroy the east coast plus the mega quake on the west coast will climax the judgment, lava is spewing from volcanoes worldwide with massive landslides in India.
—plus an asteroid called the “Great Mountain burning with fire” of Revelation 8:8 will hit the earth creating a nuclear winter with volocanic ash searing the lungs of those left behind. Matthew 24: 32 says “the final end time sign is the fig tree is ripe for harvest” which means the salvation of the Jews in Israel.
The rapture could happen on Rosh Hashanah in the fall on 10/2/24 at the Elul cross over on the first Shofar blast to fulfill 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 and one of the seven feasts. This is why there are 7 candles in the Menorah with the 5th Rosh Hashanah and 5 is grace in Biblical mathematics and the one in the middle—4th was the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday---- Jesus at the center of our faith.
Some predict a megaquake will happen just before the rapture in California ---5.2 in LA on 8/7 with a series of aftershocks of 4-5 and a 7.1 hit Japan on 8/9 with a megaquake warning in effect with mass evacuations from a typhoon, 119 degrees in southern CA with cities falling into the ocean from landslides, a 7.0 earthquake with a volcanic eruption happened in Russia on 8/18 shooting ash five miles high with a tsunami warning, and there was a rare super Blue Moon on 8/19.
Maui burned to the ground, a 6.3 hit Taiwan, Mount Aetna in Italy is preparing to erupt, and a giant quake happened in Australia, the Iceland volcano is spewing ash and could halt air traffic worldwide, and an oarfish was found off San Diego on 8/16 ---only the twentieth time since 1901 which has predicted every earthquake in California and they are appearing in Japan.
Teshuvah begins on Labor Day on 9/2/24--- 40 days of repentance until Yom Kippur with Psalms 27 read daily (vs 5 which hides us in His Tabernacle during times of trouble) with the Shofar blown daily until Elul 29 with silence until the cross over to Tishri 1 ----there will be 40 days of destruction by volcanic fire or nuclear holocaust after the rapture to repeat the 40 days of fire during the time of Noah.
There are 40 days from the end of the Democratic Party convention until Rosh Hashanah, Jesus fasted 40 days in the wilderness meaning a time of probation, and Moses spent 40 years in Egypt before the Jews entered the promised land but he died on Mount Nebo.
Matthew 25:13 says—"you will not know the hour or day of the return” but Rosh Hashanah is not known until the new moon is sighted and Psalms 81:3 says the final trumpet will blast on a new moon with the shout of the voice of the Lord to fulfill Revelation 17:8---the anniversary of Adam and Eve. But the day not known is the day the earth burns at the end of the Gog war post the millennium.
The spring feasts were fulfilled in the First coming and the final three begin in the fall of 2024 and end in 2025 relating to the Second Coming. 7/21 was the hottest day in the history of the planet and 721 is the rapture number seen by the prophets standing for the 17th day of the 2nd month when Noah entered the ark in Genesis 7:11.
—the world economy is crashing with 50% drops in office buildings values with a free fall in apartment rents in California, crash in residential real estate and RV sales, and the worst farm income in history due to low grain prices and high interest rates with center pivot sales to zero, the debt ceiling increase or government shutdown happens two weeks before the election with monkey pox from Africa infecting the world.
Avon and Walgreen declared bankruptcy with many national restaurant chains and retail stores like Macys and Sears closing not to mention thousands of small businesses declaring chapter 11 or liquidating with SBA rates at 11 % with unemployment escalating.
The debt is unsustainable with a dollar collapse inevitable preceded by hyper- inflation which is why precious metal prices are skyrocketing with silver to $50 for batteries for electric cars—the inverse yield curve predicts depression is on the way with PE ratios approaching 30 due to five AI stocks led by Nvidia which is the Bubble of the century with a $280 B drop in valuation due to anti-trust legislaton,
Bitcoin has no intrinsic value destined to crash as a substitute currency by year end. The petro- dollar will collapse the dollar and the Russians have run out of the Yuan with the banking system in China collapsing with empty real estate with their lead real estate arm in bankruptcy with the ruble collapsing.
The GDP is at zero growth with 800 K fewer jobs then reported, but the Federal Reserve is considering lowering rates in spite of inflation with escalating total debt of $160 Trillion including unfunded pensions/entitlements/ and credit card debt. A government shut down will occur if the debt ceiling is not raised on 9/30/24 just before the rapture Rosh Hashanah Eve on 10/2/24.
Red China is headed for 1 point of growth with collapse in ten years and the dollar will collapse with the new Phoenix currency printed with a 70% drop in purchasing power with the federal debt declared worthless paper with the banking system gone with martial law like Argentina and the Weimar Republic of Germany before WW 1 with the wealth taxed away.
WW 3 has already begun and will be about a global energy crisis to keep the strait of Hormuz and the Suez canal open with the Houthis trying to disrupt international trade with pirates to attack cargo ships and sending missiles into Saudi Arabia and Israel and Israel killed 9 militant Palestinians in the West Bank for war on all sides. Biden declassified the Houthi as a terrorist group and removed sanctions on Iran.
The prophets have seen the Saudi Arabian oil fields on fire and Saudi Arabia has a nuclear missile base in the desert—the Houthis in Yemen are a proxy of Iran but Israel sent cruise missiles on their command centers and Iran has sent missiles to Jordan for a shorter flight to Tel Aviv or their military bases and nuclear power plant at Demona. Iran will send missiles to destroy the Saudi oil fields after their refineries and oil wells are destroyed per Jeremiah 49 which is Elam. Biden depleted the strategic oil reserve making it impossible to survive a sustained war with $200 and up oil.
Iran fired missiles at the Al Asqa airbase in Iraq injuring 7 airmen on 8/5/24 to light the match of WW 3 with both America and Israel. Israel wanted to take out Iran after the last missile attack--- but the Biden administration halted it as it was not the timing of the Lord.
Israel has entered the “time of Jacob’s trouble” in the Bible which will explode after Rosh Hashanah during the Day of the Lord --- and Hamas refused the ceasefire of Israel to end chances of freeing the 57 hostages still alive with way more unknown dead with ceasefire halted and Israel must close the Philadelphia corridor on the Egyptian border where weapons are smuggled and the remaining schools/mosques/hospitals in Ramah must be destroyed where rockets are launched.
----Israel is months away from defeating them and almost killed Sinwar-- but 6 were murdered with guns to the back of the head when the IDF was close to rescue of them—Hamas terrorists were given orders to kill the hostages when the IDF is close to capture but they know where the hostages are located so they can win quickly with most hostages executed for the world to hold Hamas and Iran accountable.
800 K are protesting in Israel with a plan to shut down their economy; however, Netanyahu said he is defiant and it will take to take out Hamas and bring home the hostages dead or alive. 46,000 small businesses have closed since the war began on October 7, 2023 with 600 IDF dead and 4K injured manned by reservists—but over one million have been killed in the Ukraine on both sides ,
Israel found the bodies of 6 more hostages who lived at the Kibbutz who were killed in air strikes which emboldened them to finish the job and 6 more were found murdered in Ramah on 8/31 including an American with a cross around his neck—Iran said their attack in retaliation for killing the Hamas leader in Tehran will be delayed until the high holidays in October to tandem the Chinese /Russian attack on America/Taiwan/ and Europe for destruction on the day of Judgement of Rosh Hashanah.
Permanent peace will not come until Iran/Persia/Ayatollah is destroyed in Ezekiel 38/39 with the one third of the Jews left alive all Messianic per Zechariah 13--- Israel cut off power to Lebanon on H’zbollah on 8/17, and Isaiah 17 will shortly be fulfilled with Damascus destroyed ---but Israeli cities will be made lean with a barrage of missiles which may lead to the use of the neutron bomb with two thirds of Israelis killed from radiation but the one third going through the fire will all be messianic when they see HIM at the Second Coming on Yom Kippur.
Rosh Hashanah is the DAY OF JUDGMENT meaning the rapture happens on the same day of judgment by fire to repeat the flooding during the time of Noah. A generation is 35 years according to Job (140 divided by 4 in the final verse) and the countdown began on Rosh Hashanah 1988 and will end on Rosh Hashanah Eve 2024 on 10/2/24—Matthew 24 says “this generation shall not pass without seeing the coming of the Lord”
Tishri 1 is the 1st day of the 7th Jewish month in the fall meaning 17—the rapture number given to watchman worldwide with 107 years from when General Allenby captured Jerusalem in 1917 during Hannukah.
This watchman’s ( Isaiah 62:5,7 and Ezekiel 33) address prefix is 11701 with an unwanted Biblical divorce from an unequal yoke ( 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 ) on Rosh Hashanah 1995 which is 7 years from the 1988 Rosh Hashanah countdown of 35 years which is the length of a generation—2024 is 29 years from 1995 and 11701 stands for Tishri 1 which is the 1st day of the 7th Jewish month.
29 means departure to heaven in Biblical mathematics and most eschatologists believe the rapture will happen on a Moed day meaning Genesis 7:11 which is the day Noah entered the Ark which is a “type and shadow” of the rapture. Our investment banking company was founded in 2010 and the 17th financial transaction closed in 2022 at age 72 with a total of 7 lenders.
—2 stands for marriage in Biblical mathematics which represents the “marriage of the Bride to King Jesus” to replicate the marriages of Ruth (Moab) and Boaz(Jew), Shulamite Bride(Gentile) and Yeshua( Jew) in the Song of Solomon, and Esther( Jew) and the King Ashasuerus ( Gentile).
17 means Victory in Biblical mathematics and 7 perfect timing as the Lord has called me as a watchman from birth. I was saved/water baptized/and Holy spirit filled in 1976 which is the reverse of 1967 when Jerusalem was captured when I was 17. This watchman was born in 1950 when Jerusalem was made capitol of Israel and moved home 17 years ago with a high lifetime income of $217 K in 2008 with prophetic numbers of 217 for the rapture and 8 standing for Jesus.
Rosh Hashanah is the Feast of Trumpets with the final trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15:52/1 Thessalonians 4:16 blown on the Shofar at the end of the day—called the DAY NO MAN KNOWS until the new moon is sighted with bonfires lighted which is why the Jews celebrate the holiday for two days on October 2-4. Believers across the world are hearing the sound of the trumpet meaning the rapture is near before total judgment--- but many have their heads in the sand with only 1 in 3 voting nor the gun owners.
Few will be left alive to repopulate the earth after the wrath of God of Isaiah 24-26 post the rapture and Romans says “if the Lord had not shortened the days—no flesh would survive”. Noah was 600 years old representing 6000 years of man ruling the earth when he boarded the Ark and there have been 120 years since the Holy Spirit revival began in China in 1903-1904 and the eclipse was 120 miles wide at zenith at Rapture, Indiana and will end in 2024 with Romans 11:23 fulfilled which is the time of the Gentiles for the Gospel to be preached.
There were 120 K residents in Ninevah, 120 trumpets were blown in 2 Chronicles 5:12 before the glory cloud came down which was a “type and shadow” of the rapture, and there were 120 disciples in the upper room when the Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost and Moses died at 120 years old, 1200 x 12 x 10—the sum total of believers since the Old and Testament saints.
Isaac Hertzog was elected the 11th president of Israel and 11/11 is the final rapture sign given to the prophets.This is why the solar eclipse passed over 11 cities in America, Mexico, and Canada named Ninevah which was not destroyed in the book of Jonah but was destroyed in Nahum meaning the rapture will save those who repent but those who do not repent will perish.
This watchman is 74 and 7+4= 11 and the color of orange is seen as a sign of the anointing and Judgment by Fire coming per Isaiah 26---- The 47th president of America is 4+7= 11. Trump will sentenced for a felony after the election by the NY appellate liberal judges from malicious prosecution for political contribution vs sex with a prostitute, the Supreme court will acquit him, and the prosecutors and judges will be debarred.
King Jesus feet will land on the Second Coming per Zechariah 14 /Acts 1:11 on the Mount of Olives with darkness covering the earth in Matthew 24---but only one third of the Jews in Israel will be left alive after Ezekiel 38/39 with all Messianic grafted back into their own Olive Tree. 72% of those residing in Israel want Netanyahu removed but the prophets see him handing the scepter to Yeshua in Jerusalem at the Knesset after the Second Coming to rule for the millennium.
Tel Aviv will be made lean after Isaiah 17 for the sin of more Gays per capita and brothels than any city in the world with sex trafficked girls put on drugs until they die in five years—this will be fulfilled after Israel assassinated the leader of H’zbollah in Beirut, Lebanon--- for the massacre of 12 children in the Golan Heights on 7/28 which began WW 3. The October 7, 2024 massacre was exactly 40 years to the day from the Yom Kippur war in 1973—it was done by the proxy of Iran—Hamas—with Russian intelligence and Chinese money from buying oil from Iran.
The Hamas leader was killed by the Mossad in retaliation in Tehran on 7/30 which will create a regional war with Iran and Russia which is why America has deployed three carriers with 20K Marines and Navy personnel surrounded by 130 destroyers and military ships armed tomahawk cruise missiles parked in the Red and Mediterranean seas plus a guided missile nuclear armed submarine and a squadron of F 22 Raptor /F 18 Hawker/ F 35 stealth fighter jets deployed with sidewinder missiles to shoot down ballistic missiles which could be nuclear tipped.
Four Star General Austin ( Secretary of Defense) is residing on a carrier and he revoked the 9/11 terrorist plea deal to escape the death penalty of the Biden DOJ. Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38 may be fulfilled soon as the Hamas/Hzbollah assassinations that began WW 3 are a repeat of WW 1—there is no American carrier in the south China sea to protect Taiwan.
Russia/Iran/Turkey/Sudan will invade Israel after Damascus is destroyed which is the H’zBollah headquarters—nuclear holocaust is coming for Europe and America before the invasion or an EMP bomb which will starve most to death without food or water—but Iran may explode an EMP over Israel to take out the military power of Israel and the American fleet to bring the ground invasion seen in Ezekiel 38 and destroy her economy.
Turkey is a member of NATO but should not be as it has turned fundamentalist Islamic but America has nuclear armed airbases in Turkey and has threatened to invade Israel -but it is the Lord that puts a hook in the jaw of Russia in Ezekiel 38 to draw her army to Megiddo for destruction with the greatest earthquake in the history of the world taking down every mountain and island which will happen post the rapture.
Iran said they will attack if the peace talks fail for a ceasefire in the Gaza on 8/15-- but Israel found Sinbad’s hot coffee cup and almost killed him as the leader of Hamas and would be assassinated if he showed up for the talks. Many of the 120 K missiles in southern Lebanon may be launched at Tel Aviv, Russia delivered powerful missile defense systems to Iran on 8/4/24 , and North Korea may have armed Iran with nuclear missiles and ICBMs for an EMP attack.
Short range missiles could overwhelm the Iron Dome to protect Tel Aviv but half the ballistic missiles sent long distance did not arrive over Israeli soil in the last attack. On 8/6, H’zbollah fired a drone rocket at Haifa injuring 19 people.
On 8/6 the Speaker of the House said America will declare war on Iran if Iran attacks Israel—the first targets will be their refineries and oil production facilities and nine nuclear plants destroyed with bunker buster nukes—China will have to obtain their oil from Russia to deepen the alliance and the world economy will crater with skyrocketing oil prices.
Russia and Iran are allies, North Korea has provided ICBMs for Iran, and Iran sells its oil to China—the axis of evil. Commercial air traffic has been halted into Israel and Israel says it will use weapons like laser and the neutron bomb as there is no time for the Iron Dome to shoot down missiles from Lebanon.
Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike on Iran and the British have ordered their people to depart Lebanon as it could be incinerated. An EMP explosion could explain a ground invasion of Israel all the way to Jerusalem with their eyes melting in the sockets of their eyes by the fire of the Lord’s mouth in Zechariah 14.
The life of a man is a vapor like a grasshopper in Psalms 39:5 with 80 years of life maximum per Psalms 91:10, and nations are a “drop in a bucket of water” per Isaiah 40:15—The Lord created billions of stars and galaxies and his name is Holy.
Solar eclipses are a sign of death and bad omens for Israel before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord in Joel 2:31—the Day of the Lord is 360 days with Rosh Hashanah the rapture ending on Yom Kippur on the Second Coming in 2025 when----
Revelation 1:7 and Zechariah 13 are fulfilled with the one third of Jews left alive mourning after they see the one they pierced in the air before His Feet land on the Mount of Olives at the Second Coming to end Ezekiel 38/39 in Jerusalem with women raped on Yom Kippur. The length of time Noah was in the ark will be repeated—360 ( Day of the Lord) +10 Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur which will be the Second Coming and salvation of the Jews when they see Him in the air.
The Feast of Tabernacles ( Micah 4:1-7) represents the millennium celebrated every year in Zechariah 14 until the earth burns after the war with Gog---Tishri 22 is Shemini Atzeret which represents the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet with an annual celebration in Jerusalem.
—after 1000 years the New Jerusalem comes down for eternity called the eternal home of the Bride of Christ in Revelation 22. 2 in Biblical mathematics means marriage to Christ and the Feast of Tabernacles ends 12 days post Yom Kippur and 12 means perfect government with 12 disciples and 12 walls in the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21, Elul is the 12th month, and 120 is 12 x 10.
Russia has deployed 6 military warships with hypersonic missiles and 2 nuclear submarines to the Atlantic ocean which are docked at Havana, Cuba until 8/30 after attacks inside Russia from the Ukraine with American weapons, America deployed a nuclear submarine to the region and another to South Korea and there may be no election with General Lloyd Austin in command after martial law caused by natural disasters, cyber- attack, or civil war, or invasion.
Putin entered into a defense pact with North Korea and is buying weapons for the Ukraine war ( proxy of NATO) in exchange for space technology to launch nuclear missiles from space and spy on America, and China has plans to attack America in a joint military effort with Russia with EMP bombs and Cyber warfare to take out the power grid before invasion.
A Cyber- attack probably from Russia took down the rail system all over France on the opening day of the Olympics and France asked 46 countries for 2000 more police. But France will be judged for displaying a woke Drag Queen mockery of the Last Supper as seen in the prophesy of Nuclear war attached—power outages happened across Paris after this atrocity. Russia and China sent bombers over Alaska in July which were scrambled by American jets as a warning of a future attack with a weak president in office until January 2025.
October is the month China plans to attack Taiwan due to perfect water conditions for invasion and the Philippines , and Taiwan is conducting military exercises daily-- but the real target is America. A Chinese spy balloon flew across America before it was shot down over the ocean outside North Carolina, and China bought farmland close to military bases nationwide in preparation for an attack followed by an invasion as they want our farmland to feed their people with grain and pork and control the circuit board business of Taiwan as a cartel on the world.
Russia told America and England there would be retaliation for comments against Russia at the NATO meeting and endorsing attacks inside Russia. This will happen after the summer Olympics in Paris ( ended 17 days on 8/11/24 with 207 countries, para Olympics for the disabled begins on 8/28 and ends on 9/8) to repeat WW 2 after the Olympics in Berlin in 1936. The Olympics began with the rider on a Pale horse representing Revelation 6:8.
China/ Russia/Iran/North Korea are allies and Iran has said an immediate attack on Israel is coming post assassination of the Hamas and H’zBollah leaders and Israel will not hesitate to use the neutron bomb or laser weapons on Syria and Lebanon or the American carrier will fire hundreds of cruise missiles at the 120 K Iranian missiles in Lebanon.
Russia and Belarus were banned from the Olympics over the war in the Ukraine and China plans to strike America with a lame duck president before Trump becomes the strong leader. The African prophets have seen Europe and America destroyed with Russian nuclear missiles as the prophetic map attached depicts.
Belarus has mobile nukes capable of striking Europe, Liev, and Kiev and Russia will not allow the Ukraine to target Russia with American weapons. Putin has said he can take out the GPS, undersea fiber optic internet cables, and shut off natural gas to Europe and the Ukraine, halt communication, and financial transactions without nuclear holocaust.
America is apostate with only 15% believing the Bible is the word of God with 60% nominal, 17% are substance abuse addicted, most are pro-choice, the divorce rate is 80% in the church, only 17 million attend church and many are not preaching the word, and scoffers are rampant per 2 Peter 3:3-5 saying Jesus is not coming again.
Trump is pro- LGBT and pro-choice up to 24 months on abortion in Florida against the will of Governor DeSantis( Jeremiah 1:4,5, VP Vance is Catholic with no abortions after conception and no Gay marriage, and MAGA will not make America great again without the Congress per the words of Trump with Mark Levin ESQ as Biden destroyed America—the sins of America and the world have reached the nostrils of the Lord.
Canada has outlawed Christianity with London, England Muslim and preachers in adultery or pedophilia have been exposed across America---75% of preachers do not believe in the Second coming or deity of Christ with most not saved not warning their flocks to repent before judgment day .
This is why wildfires are burning Canada including Jasper National Park with the smoke covering the Dakotas and Minnesota, and 110 wildfires are burning in every western state as a warning from the Lord. California wildfires have burned 500 K acres larger than LA, and the 1.4 MM Oregon fire is so large it is creating its own weather and killed the entire cattle herd in the area and a huge fire has caused Athens to be evacuated.
The flooding, extreme heat, air quality, drought, earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, mudslides, and tornados across the world are warnings from the Lord before total destruction ---the temperature in Antarctica has risen 50 degrees over normal melting sending icebergs south to raise the temperature of the ocean.
The 1500 Ring of Fire volcanoes from South America to Japan will erupt plus volcanoes in Europe/Iceland/Russia/Mexico/Indonesia/Islands after the rapture creating total darkness with no air travel creating starvation as prophesied in Revelation.
Most denominations approve of the LGBT lifestyle of Gay marriages as perverts against the book of Romans for and Hollywood is 75% LGBT as Sodom and Gomorrah—site of the 2028 Olympics. Africa is sending missionaries to America and psychology has taken over the liberal churches without prayer or revival even denying the very deity of Christ putting lesbians in the pulpit in the Swedish Lutheran church in Sweden.
Infant baptism, communion, speaking in tongues, church membership, or keeping kosher does not save—only the born again experience to know the Lord is relevant with the Message of the Cross.
The falling away from the faith is in process with separation of the wheat and tares with the Shepherd’s rod. Marxism has taken over the liberal churches with LGBT agenda, the Biden/Harris administration was illegally elected with harvest balloting in swing states and Chinese Dominion software-----bringing a curse over the nation,
--- the Socialist Harris/Walz ticket endorsed a two state UN solution for Israel to divide Israel against the will of God and they support Hamas Shria Muslim protests and her father teaches Marxism at Stanford–300 K children were sold into sex slavery under her border policy with 100 K killed from Fentanyl but Trump is running against a political swamp machine
--- supported by RINOs including Bush/Ryan/Cheney/Pence/Romney--- the prophets see the election cancelled due to a cyber- attack before November 5 to take out the power grid to create a depression with martial law—but America will be destroyed within 40 days after Rosh Hashanah to vindicate abortion and LGBT perversion.
The second amendment allows the right to bear arms to overthrow a tyrannical Marxist government with civil war if Kamela Harris is elected—but the Lord will destroy America post the rapture to repeat the story of Noah in the Gospels.
American is no longer one nation under God and the “inhabitants of the earth will be punished for their iniquity during the Indignation” per Isaiah 26 with the church protected in heaven like Jacob and Zerubbabel who were the two witnesses/two Olive Trees in Zechariah 4 as symbolic language of Revelation.
Acts 2:19 and Joel 2:30 will be fulfilled with volcanic eruptions worldwide, and an asteroid will strike the ocean called the “burning mountain” of Revelation 8:8 with one third of the ships destroyed. There will be no anti-Christ except in I John as type and shadow, no 144,000 Jewish evangelists (the believers in history are symbolic of 1200 x12x10),
-- no third temple until the millennial Temple and the Dome of the Rock may be temporary, no red heifer sacrificed as Jesus was the sacrificial lamb, no seven- year peace pact with Europe/Israel, and no revival post the rapture of the church and removal of the Holy Spirit to end the time of the Gentiles per Halley’s Bible commentary.
The mark of the Beast in the Old and New testament is a spiritual mark not a literal mark to buy or sell and the Second Coming is when King Jesus lands on the Mount of Olives and walks across the Kidron Valley through the Eastern Golden Gate closed in 1540 AD.
The Beast and the False prophet are the offices of the Pope and the Vatican per Halley’s Bible commentary. The current Pope is terminally ill and the final 112th Pope seen by the late prophet Malachi and the cardinals have asked for his resignation for approving Gay marriage by priests which is heresy, and criminal behavior of sex offenders--- 50% of the priests are homosexuals .
The prophets say the “rapture is just around the corner and our only hope—it is time to prepare our wedding garment with repentance, holy living, forgiveness, study of the word (Revelation 12:11 is the only way to heaven), listening to the still small voice of the Lord, with prayer to be found worthy to escape the judgments to come” per Luke 21:36.
The prophets see only 6% of 8 Billion raptured with 94% “walking skeletons.” But the final revival at conservative colleges across America began in 2023 after the Jesus Revolution film of Calvary Chapel with thousands of baptisms of students in the ocean in California.
Lashana Tova,
Bruce Kessler