Dear Saints,
We highly recommend reading JONATHAN CAHN's new book JOSIAH MANIFESTO.JONATHAN CAHN has a unique talent for bringing to light stories of the Bible, and showinghow they apply to actual events happening in these END TIMES by way of prophetic typology.So this article documents some key excerpts from the book and a series of personal prophetic syncsexperienced along the way.
On the night of 9/8/2023 I had put the finishing edits on last weeks article titled >!!! 9/11/2023 TWIN TOWERS 22 Year Anniversary+Liberty Bellsyncs with Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy in 2028 !!!
On that same night 8pm 9/8/2023 I received the book JOSIAH MANIFESTO my great friend JAN had sentas a gift. I couldn't wait to start reading the Book, so just after midnight on 9/9/2023 I read the first fewchapters before going to bed. These dates 9/9 and 9/11 become very significantly synced in the abovearticle featuring prophetic revelations with ISAIAH 9:9-11 , which also happen to be key Bible versesfeatured in JONATHAN CAHN's earlier books HARBINGER and HARBINGER II.^^^^^^^^^^^^So LO and BEHOLD, when I get to pages 9,10,11 of the book JOSIAH MANIFESTO , which is ALLof chapter 3 of the Book, Jonathan Cahn is talking about 3 main things that I had already documentedin the above article that are pointing us to Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy in 2028 .
These 3 are >
> #1 Quoting > Leviticus 25:8-10 on pg 9 which is exactly what I have quoted in the article !!!> #2 pg 10 He references the connection to the Liberty Bell , because on it is inscribedLeviticus 25:10, and a lot of focus in the above article is about prophetic syncs with the Liberty Bell.> #3 talking about the Trumpet of the Jubilee which is the SHOFAR , and we documentin the above article prophetic syncs involving the SHOFAR, that sync 9/9/2023 with events of 9/11/1999,which then in turn point us fwd to Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy in 2028 !!!
I had no idea what the book JOSIAH MANIFESTO was going to be about when I began reading it,so who but the Lord could orchestrate such a scenario of prophetic syncs ! But that's just wherethis story begins......Lets look close at these verses featured in chapter 3 JOSIAH MANIFESTO andsee if there is even deeper prophetic revelations hiding there beyond what is in JOSIAH MANIFESTOand even in our article above.
"And you shall count seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years;and the time of the seven Sabbaths of years shall be to you Forty Nine Years."Then you shall cause the Trumpet of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month;on the Day of Atonement you shall make the Trumpet to sound throughout all your land."And you shall consecrate the 50th year, and proclaim Liberty throughout all the land and all itsinhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, andeach of you shall return to his family. Leviticus 25:8-10
Hidden within these verses is compelling evidence, of the template, of the entire Master Plan of GODfor Mankind. 2nd Peter 3:8 says "One Day to GOD = 1000 Years".
Simple math reveals 1+2+3+4+ 28 + 5+6 + 1 = 50. GOD instituted the^^^^^^^^^^ Jesus ^^^^ ^^^ 50th year Jubilee as prophetic typology^^^^^^^^^ Christ ^^^^ ^^^ synced with Jesus 1000 yr millennial reign^^^^^^^^^ Crucifixion ^^^^ ^^^ Revelation 20 details these 1000 Yrs^^^1000^^^^^ Resurrection Yr ^^^^ Year of End of1000^^^^^ 3 days and 3 ^^^^^ Jesus Christ Jesus ChristCreation of 1000^^^^^ nights in grave 1000^ Second Coming millennial reignADAM 3972 b.c. 1000^^^^^ 28 A.D. 1000^^ 2028 3028!........................4000 yrs.................!..................2000 yrs................!............1000 yrs............!!................................. ......GOD's 6000 Year Master Plan...................!...GOD rests 7th Day........!
!..........................................Genesis 1:31.................................................!.........Genesis 2:1..............!More remarkable prophetic points about the above verses is the emphasis on the words
Seven+Sabbath+Day of Atonement. Since 1948 when ISRAEL fulfilled Bible prophecybecoming a nation again, and the END TIME clock to Jesus Second Coming was triggered fromthere onward, here are the only Jewish Years where the Day of Atonement occurred on theSeventh day of the week, the Sabbath Day, and in a Jewish Year divisible by Seven. In Standard gematriaThese dates are combo of 7x7x7x7=Sabbath Day+Day of AtonementSabbath Day also ^ ^ ^ ^being Day of Atonement was Jewish year 5754 / 7 = 8229/22/2007 was Jewish year 5768 / 7 = 82410/4/2014 was Jewish year 5775 / 7 = 8259/30/2028 is in Jewish year 5789 / 7 = 827Total > 3298 <A remarkable Bible sync here is the Number 3298 in Strong's Hebrew concordance is the nameJARESIAH who only appears 1 time in 1st Chronicles 8:27.
What makes 9/30/2028 in Jewish year 5789 totally unique from the other dates aboveis it is the only one when when you count 1260 days back that lands us exactly on theJewish date NISAN 21. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^This date on Jewish Calendar ^^^^^^^is NISAN 21, the date in history ^^^^^^^GOD parted the Red Sea see ^^^^^^^ This date is aExodus 12:18, and Exodus 14:21 ^^^^^^ Sabbath Day!...........4X19 vs to..! ^^^^^^^ +Day of AtonementStart Date ^^^^^^^ End DateGreat Tribulation ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..............................1260 days..................................!Great Tribulation timeline 1260 days seen in REV 11:3, REV 12:6.See our prior articles why GOD parting theRed Sea is the prophetic typology eventsynced to start of the Great Tribulation...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
GOD is using Jesus crucifixion+3 days and 3 nights in grave+Resurrection in 28 a.d. as theas the inflection point in GOD's 6000 YEAR Master plan from ADAM, which can be seen byprophetic typology in the following story of DAVID's ARMY in 1st Samuel 30 verses 9 thru 12.> < See > <"So David went, he and the 600 men who were with him,and came to the Brook Besor, where those stayed who were left behind."1st Samuel 30:9 has a gematria count of >>>>>> 3901"But David pursued, he and 400 men; for 200 stayed behind, +++++who were so weary that they could not cross the Brook Besor." +++++
1st Samuel 30:10 has a gematria count of >>>>>> 4405"Then they found an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to David; +++++and they gave him bread and he ate, and they let him drink water. +++++
1st Samuel 30:11 has a gematria count of >>>>>> 2867"And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. +++++So when he had eaten, his strength came back to him; for he had +++++eaten no bread nor drunk water for three days and three nights." +++++
1st Samuel 30:12 has a gematria count of >>>>>> 5229total > 16402 <25200 = 10 x 5x7x8x9The 10th day of 5789 Jewish Yearis the date 9/30/2028 !!
In JOSIAH MANIFESTO a few chapters are devoted to the prophetic timing of President Trumpnominating 3 Supreme Court Justices during his term, and how this led to the overturning of the historicRoe vs Wade ABORTION decision on 6/24/2022. So here are further astonishingprophetic syncs we discovered involving these 3 Supreme Court Justices.
Donald Brett Neil AmyTrump Kavanaugh Gorsuch Barrettwas born was born was born was born6/14/1946 2/12/1965 8/29/1967 1/28/1972!.........7746 Days......!............928 Days......!.......1613 Days.....!^^^^^ ^^^^ ! ^^^^^7746 divided by 928 divided by 1613 = .004554.! ^^^^^^AMAZINGLY this equation reveals the exact 45 to 54 SENATE VOTE on10/5/2018 that confirmed Neil Gorsuch to serve on the Supreme Court.^^^^^^^^^ !^^^^^^^^^ ! Historic Roe vs Wade Official^^^^^^^^^ ! Supreme Court TWIN II TOWERS^^^^^^^^^ ! ABORTION VOTE Opening ceremony^^^^^^^^^ ! was decided on occurred on^^^^^^^^^ 8/29/1967 1/22/1973 4/4/1973
^^^^^^^^^ !.....1973 Days....!..........72 Days............!^^^^^^^^^ 1973 divided by 72 = 27.4^^^^^^^^^ PSALMS is Book 19 of the Bible. ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PSALMS chapters 72 and 73 are the only chapters in the^^^^^^^^^ Old Testament with a 20 , 28 verse sequence.^^^^^^^^^ And in the Year 2028 the 274th Day of this year^^^^^^^^^ will be 9/30/2028 .Q intel post of 10/5/2018 says > "Important moment in Time." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > "The Picture will be the Signifier" << The Picture of DJT's ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MUGSHOT was ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ released on ^^^^^^^^^10/5/2018 says 8/24/2023 ^^^^^^^^^!..inclusive count 4 years 10 months 20 days..................! ^^^^^^^^^! A=1,B=2 etc > D.........J...............T.... ^^^^^^^^^! Donald John Trump ^^^^^^^^^10/5/2018 9/30/2028!......................19 X 192 Days..........................................................!^^^ 192 = Great Tribulation < A=1,B=2 etc <PSALMS is the 19th Book of the Bible.
Golden Ratio Golden RatioStart verse of Book verse of Book End book ofPSALMS Psalm 66:6 Psalm 95:6 PSALMS!...............940 vs.............!....................581 vs..................!................940 vs..............!vs has 2025 gematria ct vs has 2028 gematria ct^^^^^^ Start and Stop Years of ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation ^^^^^^See more in Golden Ratio article > <In the Bible there are 7 locations with chapter # of Bible+Verse number of Book that = 2028.These 7 are Psalm 91:3,Isaiah 66:15,Jeremiah 50:13,Ezekiel 45:15,Matthew 28:20, Luke 22:62 and Acts 28:6.Total gematria counts for all 7 of these verses is 19 X 2461.PSALMS is Book 19 with 2461 verses, which as seen above has atits exact Golden Ratio points 2025 and 2028 for Start/Stop years of Great Tribulation.
Start of Bible PSALMS END of Bible!........................19 Books to.!.......47 Books to....................!Reveals Year >>> 1947 + 81 = 2028In math the 81st Prime # = 41981 + 419 =20x25In order for this to be the valid Start date of the Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 <we have to see the Red Sea scenario play out in Spring of 2025 in realworld events, as the definitive Prophetic Sign the Great Tribulation has officially begun,because the Bible is also crystal clear, GOD parting the Red Sea in Exodus 14, is theprophetic typology event in the Bible synced to the start date of the Great Tribulation...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................In JOSIAH MANIFESTO Jonathan Cahn focuses on the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg9/18/2020 and the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on 9/26/2020 as KEYturning points that led to the overturning of Roe vs Wade. So many details had to go exactly rightfor this historic overturning VOTE to come about only the providence of GOD could have made it happen.
But its so much more than just this Supreme Court decision, because END TIME Prophecy was alsoplaying out before our eyes in these events as the charts below reveal...
On the pivotal day of 9/26/2020 Jonathan Cahn held a rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. as acall to National Prayer and Repentance. This rally held on this exact date 9/26/2020 was organized2 Years earlier, so no one could have predicted how Prophetic events would play out so precisely.
The CLIMAX point of this day 9/26/2020 was when Jonathan Cahn and 6 other men stood on stage andblew the Trumpets of the Jubilee , the SHOFAR , at 5:04 pm and 33 seconds. At the exactsame time this was happening President Trump was holding a press conference at the WHITE HOUSEwhere he began his speech at exactly 5:04 pm and 33 seconds, nominatingAMY CONEY BARRETT to the Supreme Court....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Day of Atonement^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Historic Supreme Court MASSIVE evidence is aligningAMY CONEY BARRETT Decision 6 to 3 to overturn here as potential datewas nominated to be the Roe vs Wade.. for Second Comingnext Supreme Ct Justice was given on of Jesus Christon 9/26/2020 6/24/2022 9/30/2028!......................636 Days..............!.................6 years 3 months 6 days...........!^^^^^>>Prophetic Parallel>>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^At the exact time of 6:24 pm it will be Sunset in JERUSALEM ISRAEL on > this very date of 9/30/2028.A=1,B=2 etc > JOSIAH MANIFESTO = 164Proverbs 6:24 is vs 164 book of Proverbs.Proverbs 6:24 is vs 16565 of the Bible.A=1,B=2 etc > Last Trumpet = 165,65=Seven < A=1,B=2 etc <The Last Trumpet sounds by the Seventh Angel in Revelation 11:15,for Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End of BibleStart of Bible Psalm 40:11 Proverbs 6:24 Revelation 22:21!.............14537 vs.....!.............2028 vs...........!..............14537 vs.............................!^^^^^^ !.Exact center of Bible.! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^>>>>>>>Prophetic Parallel>>>>>>>>>^^^^^^^And another incredible event happened on 6/24/2022 when a horse by the name ofHeavenly Trump won with Noah coming in 2nd in an "ACT OF GOD" kind of way. See video ofthis very unusual type of race where the lead horse just before the finish line flipped the Jockey offthe Horse allowing Heavenly Trump and Noah to come in 1st and 2nd.See video of this > <
The words Heaven, Trump and Noah appear clustered together in Matthew 24:31,37, which areverses our Lord Jesus himself is talking about SIGNS of his Second Coming !!...................................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold..."On the 24th day of the 6th month in the Second Year of King Darius."^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Haggai 1:15 . ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^AMAZINGLY this verse perfectly prophetically syncs ^^^^^^^^^^^with AMY CONEY BARRETT who is the 115th Supreme Court Justice. And it was her VOTE on theon the prophetic day of 6/24/2022 in the Second Year of the Biden Presidency, that helpedoverturn Roe vs Wade !! How AMAZING the WORD of GOD is to perfectly encode such an event !!................................................................................................................................................................
A=1,B=2 etc > AMY CONEY BARRETT = 185A=1,B=2 etc > Donald John Trump = 185
Donald John Trump.. AMY CONEY BARRETTwas born on was born on6/14/1946 1/28/1972 9/30/2028!........................9359 days..............!................20700 days.............................!! 9359 divided by 20700 = .45212 !! Donald John Trump was 45th President USA when he nominated! AMY BARRETT to the Supreme Ct. Area Code 212 is Manhattan NY where! Trump Tower is located and Donald Trump is from New York City.6/14/1946 9/30/2028!.............................................30059 days....................................................!HEBREWS 6:14 in the Bible is vs 30059 of the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^HEBREWS 6:14 is vs 6914 of the New Testament ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6914 is a number anagram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of 1946 ^^^^^^^^^^^^The Bible encodes 6/14/1946 Donald Trump's birth date and syncs him with 9/30/2028.HEBREWS 6:14 also has a gematria count of 7113 ^^^^^^^^^^^^7X113 = = = = = = = = = = = = = 791Revelation 11:15 the 7th Trumpet sounds for Jesus Second Coming.A=1,B=2 etc> A=1,B=2 etc > 113=Trumpet ^^^> Jesus Christ Second Coming SEPTEMBER THIRTY TWO THOUSAND TWENTY EIGHT = 791No man knows for sure the exact day of Jesus 2nd Coming, but these Bible syncs clearly defy coincidence,and these are just a tiny fraction of all the prophetic syncs aligning with this prophetic date 9/30/2028.So all we can do is keep watching Prophetic Signs and see if they continue to sync with this date,which they are clearly doing up to this point in 2023. But so much more still has to happen to confirm ifwe remain on this track, most importantly indentifying when the Great Tribulation will officially begin ...................................................................................................................................................................
"Then each man hastened to take his garment and put it under him on top of the steps;and they blew the Trumpets, saying, JEHU is King"2nd Kings 9:13
In JOSIAH MANIFESTO Jonathan Cahn documents numerous ways Donald Trump is playing theprophetic typology role of KING JEHU in the Bible. Here are the prophetic syncs we discovered with this.
2nd Kings 9:13 is the only vs in the Bible where the two words Trump and JEHU appear together.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2nd Kings 9:13 is vs number 9770 of the Bible.In standard gematria > 977 = Donald John Trump .From 2nd Kings 9:13 its exactly 111 verses to 2nd Kings 13:9.9770 + 111 = 9881.Z=1,Y=2 etc > Trump + JEHU = 111. ^^^^^^^ See prior article for more details ofA=1,B=2 etc > New York = 111. ^^^^^^^ 3 Stage Fall of Babylon ProphecyDonald Trump is from New York. ^^^^^ the date 9/11 its 111 days to end of YR. MASSIVE evidence is aligningStage 1 Fall of Babylon ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ for Stage 3Prophecy ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Fall of Babylon ProphecyThe Twin II Towers of New York were ^^^^^^^ to be executed heredestroyed on 9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.......................................................9881 days.............................!^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^4X28X28 = 3136 and this is the gematria ct of 2nd Kings 13:9. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Stage 1 ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^3136 Fall of Babylon Prophecy ^^^^^^^ Stage 3Jesus Christ Twin II Towers ^^^^^^^ Fall of Babylon ProphecyCrucifixion date DESTROYED ^^^^^^^ to be executed here4/28/28 A.D. 9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..............720761 days...........!.......................9881 days.....................!720761 = 443 X 1627 < These are the only two numbers thatperfectly divide into 720761. ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^"Now the temple was full of men and women. All the lords of the Philistines were there—about 3000 men and women on the roof watching while Samson performed."JUDGES 16:27^^^ ^^^^^This reveals a perfect sync to JUDGES 16:27 where the "about 3000" people are in text.Use any search engine and put in "about 3000 people died on 9/11" and you will get hundreds ofreferences to the events of 9/11/2001.According to the wiki link >,and%20125%20at%20the%20Pentagon.The official death toll of the 9/11 attacks stands at 2996 = "about 3000" people!!In fact just a couple verses after JUDGES 16:27 we see SAMSON smashing down theTWO II PILLARS that held up the temple and killing all these "about 3000" people !! This Bible story isthe prophetic typology of exactly what happened on 9/11/2001 !!^^^"Now after the two days He departed from there and went to Galilee. "JOHN 4:43
On GOD's prophetic calendar "Two Days" = 2000 years see 2nd Peter 3:8"Two Days", "Two Days, "Two Days"Prophetic phrase seen in text of Mark 14:1, John 4:40, JOHN 4:43Last vs of Book Vs number of book > 540 , 152 , 155Matthew 28:20 is vs 1071 equation > 540 / 152 / 155 = .02292020of Matthew + 957 chapter of Bible =2028 >< Reveals the date 2/29/2020
And Matthew begins with chapter 930 of Bible so>< From 2/29/2020 its 4X28X28 days to 9/30/2028Matthew reveals the prophetic date 9/30/2028><Jesus Crucifixion was 4/28/28 A.D from his 2000 yr^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ anniversary 4/28/2028 its 155 days to 9/30/2028Matthew 28:20 JOHN 4:43 is vs number 155 book of JOHN.!...........1984 vs to .......!^^^^The Seventh Angel who Sounds the 7th and Last Trumpet for the Second Coming ofJesus Christ only appears 3 times in a 19-84 verse count alignment in book of Revelationthis way > Seventh Angel Seventh Angel Seventh AngelRev 10:7 Rev 11:15 Rev 16:17!...........19 vs..........!...........84 vs.............!...............................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESSStephen Wilkinscomments welcome > wilkste@aol.comEcclesiastes 3+"TEXAS CROSS"+Prophetic Signs sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
Assassinations+American Civil War Prophetic Signs sync with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
!!! Hawaii FIRE Lahaina Banyan Tree Prophetic Sign syncs to Great Tribulation 2025-2028 !!!
!!! 8/27/2023+666 Timelines+Miraculous LORETTO Staircase sync to Jesus 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 8/1/2023 Donald Trump INDICTED reveals Prophetic syncs, along with newly discovered Joseph Biden Prophetic syncs to Great Tribulation 2025-2028 !!! > <Miraculous Flying House of LORETO+ Tom Zimmer 1983 Prophecy about Donald Trump Syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!! > <
Prophetic Presidents Roosevelt+Truman+Kennedy+Trump+more to JESUS 2028
6/30/1908 Tunguska Blast+1945 Trinity Test/Hiroshima Bomb+ Henry GruverProphetic Vision of coming WWIII experienced at Caernarfon Castle 1986
Hidden Revelations of JOHN 1:1 sync with 5778/5789 to JESUS 2028 !!!
Jaffe Gate 1538 Prophecy syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
John Tng 666 Obama+"Prophetic Warning Signs" Great Tribulation begins 4/19/2025 !!!
!!! Jared 6/6/1924 Profoundly Prophetic DATE+6/25/2023 to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Ephesians 6:12 Prophetic pics+ENOCH Rapture 365 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
6/18/2023 TITAN Sub Disappears reveals prophetic syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! RUBIK'S CUBE World Record 3.13 secs 6/11/2023 syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Luke 19:48+Revelation 15 reveal Many Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
D-DAY 1944+Clay Cantrell+Dust Dream 6/5/2011 reveals syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!
!!! 153 Hidden Manna of Genesis 1:1 Triangle reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 2028 SIGN in TN 6/1/2016 reveals Bible Prophetic syncs with Day of Atonement 2028 !!!Red Sea+Ezekiel 48+Psalms reveal 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 Great Tribulation timeline !!!!!! Earth+Moon+Venus+Mars Reveal Bible Prophetic syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 1/4/2022 Stock Mkt High 4818+RUTH+More Prophetic Signs sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Jan Fort's Husband+Revelation 16:16 reveal Amazing Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028!!! Warlock Armageddon movies reveal Bible syncs to 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy !!!
5/6/2023 KING CHARLES III Coronation Antichrist typology syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 8/20/2000 Prophetic Pamphlet in Old Bible syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Satanic Temple Hexennacht in Boston 4/28-30/2023 syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!
Johnette Napolitano+Thunder Lightning+Monica B Dream sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Easter 4/9/2023 Radius,Circumference,Diameter,Circle,Time sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
ELIJAHtheProphet+Bible syncs to coming Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 > 9/30/2028 !!!4/4/2023 Donald Trump Indictment # 71543 +Bible syncs with coming Great Tribulation !!!!!! Prophetic Signs 7,7 COWS+7 Dead Nashville TN 3/27/2023 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 1997 HALE BOPP+TITANIC+911 TWIN TOWERS sync with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 8/4/1971 in PI = 314 sequence reveals MANY Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
DEVILS TOWER Close Encounters 1977+Rev 9:13+Rev 11:15 sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
!!! Prophetic Signs 2020 VT4 ASTEROID+2023 EY reveal Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 3/13/2023 "Her Plagues" REV 18:4+ Bible Prophetic syncs with JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! ALBERT PIKE+Nick Mancuso 3/6/2023 reveal prophetic syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! 2017-2024 Solar Eclipses sync Great Tribulation 1260 days 2025-2028 encoded in OR+OH !!!
!!! MARY VIRGIN+COVINGTON VA sync 3 Stage Fall of Babylon to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! 11/13/1974 Amityville Horror+COVINGTON VA Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! Monica B Psalm 91:3+Ohio Train Derail 2/3/2023+Prophetic Signs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! SUPERBOWL 57+TEN Patriarchs of Genesis sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Prophetic Signs Historic 2023 TURKEY Quakes+Bible syncs to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
!!! Madonna/Quavo 5/18/2019 Eurovision foretell COVID-19+Bible syncs with 2028 Revelations !!! many more articles at > <...............................................................................................................................................................