Neil Lipken (24 Sep 2023)
"A great worship song on this beautiful Friday in central Indiana!"

I know I have sent this out before, but it is simply too awesome not to send out yet again!   The hour is late in these End Times, and the Rapture is drawing closer with each day!   Enjoy the song!
Remember that King David danced before the Lord, and when listening to this song we can too!

P.S.   This is also a great worship song to play in a church (or Jewish temple!) before the main message from the pulpit!   And have everyone dance in the ailes! 

P.P.S.   For those of you who come to the End Time Bible Prophecy Course at Church 52, I hope to be restarting that in the near future.   I have just begun another round of chemotherapy, and I need to see how I get along with this.   World events are most interesting, and I look forward to getting back to teaching!