I received this and am passing it on. Be sure to watch the short video below.Neil
BIDEN CALLS FOR DIVISION OF ISRAEL AT UNI want to share with you why this is extraordinarily serious for America: In March of 2010 Japan voted against Israel in favor of the two-state solution at the United Nations. One year later to the day anniversary March 2011 in which Japan voted against Israel to remove their land in a two-state solution, Japan got struck with a tsunami, a 9.0 m Earthquake and a 3-plant nuclear disaster known as Fukushima in which Japan is still digging out of. They just poured 7 tons of nuclear waste water into the ocean because they have run out of space for tanks to store off the waste water from their leaking plants. Now, the tsunami pulled land from Japan out to sea which even took houses that floated as far as the coast of Alaska. So one year to the day Japan lost land after voting against Israel. The Bible is very clear about touching GOD's anointed.