In 1959 I was 9 years old, and one night my parents and I went to see this movie at the Carmel Theater. I was just a little kid, but this movie had a very profound effect on me! No movie before or since has had such a powerful effect on me! This was definitely the beginning of my eventually getting born again, 20 years later in 1979. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times through the years that I have seen this movie! I have always been fascinated by it! I am sending everyone just the opening scenes.
If you have not seen this, Gregory Peck is the captain of an American submarine that is sailing down to Australia right after a nuclear war has happened in the northern hemisphere. When he arrives in Australia he meets Ava Gardner (an Australian and his love interest in the movie). The Australian scientists know that the radiation in the northern hemisphere will soon cross the equator and come to Australia, and that will be the end of life on the earth.
There is much Scripture that I could go into concerning the upcoming 7 year Tribulation Period after the soon Rapture of the Church, but I will not do that here. There is considerable evidence scripturally that during the Tribulation there will be some type of nuclear war. This movie I believe is one of THE most powerful movies that I have ever seen! There was a remake of this movie many years later that you can find online, but this is my favorite version.
Very entertaining and just a taste of the upcoming Tribulation after the Rapture, get some popcorn out and watch! Gregory Peck's acting is magnificent! You will need to "google" the movie, and download the entire movie online, as this is just the opening scene. The music that runs throughout the movie is "Waltzing Matilda", and is a very nice addition to the movie! Well, enjoy if such a thing is possible concerning a movie about nuclear war! LOL! Should you see the movie, I welcome any comments. At the very least try to watch the opening clip enclosed below.
P.S. For those of you who attend my Church 52 end time Bible prophecy course, I hope to set a restart date in the near future. I have just begun chemotherapy, which will last around 2 months. I need to see how I get along on this before setting a restart date for the course. I am, however, very eager to get back to teaching. Late in these End Times there is much going on in the world relative to prophecy, and all signs point to the soon Rapture and subsequent 7 year Tribulation Period!