Does anyone have any idea on this? This does not look like something that would naturally be formed! I welcome anyone's thoughts on this!
P.S. Now we know that God created the heavens and the earth. There are billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, and there are untold number of galaxies! Our astonomers have found just in our little area of our galaxy other stars that have planets orbiting them. So, are we the only planet with intelligent life? Well, since humans like to murder one another in wars, I guess we are really not that intelligent! LOL! This email is going to several pastors. So, pastors, would you like to weigh in on this with your thoughts? I would welcome that!
P.P.S. The universe as we know it is billions of years old. So, not only in the present, but in the past eons was there life somewhere?
P.P.P.S. (Good thing I am almost done because I am running out of "P's"!) Here is a final thought. Right after the upcoming Rapture we should have answers to this incredible question!
You may pass this email on to anyone you wish and ask for their comments. Sending this to pastors would be a great idea!