Neil Lipken (17 Sep 2023)
"Rosh Hashanah this year falls on two interesting days of the week!"

The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) starts Friday at sunset and then will be over Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) and Sunday (the Christian Sabbath).   The Feast of Trumpets is a two day feast.   Remember that we "cannot know the day nor the hour" of the Rapture, and this Jewish feast fits that qualification since it is over two days!   I find it fascinating that this year the feast falls on both the Jewish and Christian Sabbaths!   Israel is now 75 years and 4 months old (May 14, 1948).   In the "parable of the fig tree" in Scripture, the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation will see all end time events come to pass.   Up ahead is the 7 year Tribulation after the Rapture, so the minimum time now from 1948 to the Second Coming is more than 82 years.  I personally believe that this qualifies for a "generation", and I believe the time now is very late in these End Times!

So, could the Rapture happen over this coming weekend?   Yes.   Will it happen?   I do not know, nor do any of us know!   Does the Rapture have to happen on a Jewish feast?   We don't know.   But based on the fulfillment of the spring Jewish feasts relative to First Coming events, it would seem that the prime time for the Rapture is around the Feast of Trumpets.  Well, at the very least we are approaching a most interesting weekend to say the least!   Should Monday come and we are still here looking at one another, we will simply continue to press forward in time.   Eventually the Rapture WILL HAPPEN!   It is a 100% certainty, and again the hour is late in these End Times!

I don't know about all of you receiving this email, but I eagerly look forward to the Rapture!   As for me, the trials of this life all these years (I am now 73) have been sufficient (LOL!), and to be with Jesus (Israel's Messiah) for eternity in a resurrection body is "out of this world"!  WOW!  There really are no words to describe this!

Perhaps we will all see one another soon in the Rapture,

P.S.   If you have not already done so, go to "YouTube" and type in "Rapture dreams and visions"!   WOW!   You will be amazed at how many people are now receiving dreams and visions that the Rapture is very near!   I go through these posts every day, and it is a real encouragment!