Nansings (24 Sep 2023)
"Response to Fay (17 Sep 2023) "More Details on Dan. 9:27/Rabim L'Rabbim""

Response to Fay (17 Sep 2023) "More Details on L'Rabbim"
It is obvious from Biblical prophecy that the Antichrist's 7-year covenant will be made "with the Sanhedrin (the learned Elders of Zion, whom Jesus called 'the synogogue of Satan,"' whose king was Caesar) for the right to build the temple and perform sacrifices."  Then he breaks the covenant of Jews' rights (not with many nations, but with the Jews) mid-way.
God told someone recently during their near death experience that the antichrist will be a
Jew like King Solomon and do what Solomon did.  What did King Solomon do?  The Jewish temple was built under King Solomon's orders and Jewish sacrifices at the temple resumed under his reign.
The antichrist breaks his covenant mid-way with the Jews.  What results?  The stopping of their sacrifices to God because the antichrist is jealous of their worship going to God.  That would involve the many rabbis who perform the sacrifices and the temple where they do their sacrifices.
The antichrist will even go into the temple and declare himself to be God.  His issue isn't with many nations, it is with whatever is most meaningful to God and the Jews because Satan is jealous.  He wants Jerusalem and wants to be God.
In a *post on 5 Doves (*see prophecy below) Diane reported that Jesus told her in 2005 that He would have to come before Rosh HaShanah some year because after that it is all about the Jewish people.  The Great Trib is called "the time of Jacob's trials," all seven years of it.  Even though the many nations of the whole world will suffer, it is all about God dealing with His people once again as He did in Biblical times.  Hence the emphasis changes after the Rapture from the many nations of the world to the Jewish people as God seeks to court the Jews (His divorced wife) back to Himself.
This Jesus accomplishes when He rescues them at the Battle of Armageddon at His 2nd Coming, when the Jews see the nails in His hands and ask about it.  He tells them He was wounded in the house of His friends.  They go into mourning as a nation realizing that the one who rescued them from Armageddon was Jesus Christ whose death the 'synogogue of Satan (Sanhedrin)' had ordered some 2,000 years ago.
It's like Joseph's brothers did when they found out that the brother they nearly killed - but sold into slavery - instead was now 2nd in command in Egypt.  Yet, instead of killing them or making slaves of them, he was pardoning them, so He could be reconciled with his brothers at last.
*Rosh HaShanah Prophecy Given to Diane, 2005, posted on 5 Doves (2007):
"Two years ago, just prior to Rosh Hashanah 2005, God told me in a vision that the church HAS TO BE GONE before Rosh Hashanah.  The church is NOT ALLOWED to enter THE JEWISH NEW YEAR.  From that moment - on, it's all about Israel, on center stage.  The age of the gentiles will be over, and now God will be dealing with the fulfillment of Daniel's 70th week.  I FELT ALL OF GOD'S AUTHORITY IN THIS, HE WAS VERY STERN.  In this vision, I saw the gentile world as a sea of humanity, and it looked like a mass of tan sludge.  This mass was stopped by a solid wall.  That mass was on the LEFT side of the wall, and it represented all the non-believing gentiles on Earth.  (By the way, the church was nowhere to be seen in this mass.  I saw a glimpse of the pure white church entering Heaven, high in the sky.)

"On the RIGHT side of that wall was ISRAEL, beginning with the Jewish New Year -- ROSH HASHANAH.  On that side, the only thing I saw - in contrast to the sea of sludge on the left side - was a sea of pure blue, a deep, rich color of teal, and it looked like highly polished marble.  It was very smooth and shiny.  That represented Israel.  I felt that it had to go through the fires of purification.  I felt God's Holy power, His majesty, His authority, His love and His jealousy for Israel in His voice when He explained, "IT'S ALL ABOUT ISRAEL NOW.  THE CHURCH IS NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER THE JEWISH NEW YEAR."'