Nansings (24 Sep 2023)
"Reply to Gino re EAR: 09-10-23:  Mystery Babylon"

First, Jesus has revealed that there are six Babylons over time in this prophetic word below.
Second, A man during his recent NDE (near death experience) asked God who the antichrist was.  God told him the antichrist is a Jew who will do as King Solomon did.  (King Solomon had the temple built and sacrifices started up again in the temple.)  I have noticed that the masons and Freemasons today have built their beliefs and associations on King Solomon's wisdom for building things.  It is obvious they also will have a play in the end times as they are behind the New World Order and at their highest level in their society they secretly worship "Allah."  God revealed to a Muslim Pakistani during his NDE that "Allah" is actually a big, tall and strong demon with two horns on his head.  He is behind all the evil of that religion.

Six Babylons

Jesus speaking to Maurice Sklar in a vision, 1985:

1.  "The first Babylon is the city that was built and the first tower was erected in the book of Genesis in that ancient city in the plain of Shinar.  I judged it and scattered the people by creating many new languages on the face of the earth.  This is the destruction of the tower of Babel.

2.  "The second Babylon is the ancient kingdom of Nebudchadnezzar where My people Israel were first sent into exile.  It too was destroyed and will never be rebuilt again, though some have tried.

3.  "The third Babylon is the geographic region of modern day Iraq/Iran/Persia.  The day will come soon when it too will be completely destroyed by fire and never rebuilt again.

4.  "The fourth Babylon is rising now.  I also call it the Kingdom of Tyre by My prophets in the ancient world.  It is the end-time worldwide economic system that will enslave the world through commerce, trade and unjust usury (interest).  Money is the God that is chosen instead of Me and shall enslave all that will not bow their knee at My cross and surrender all for My Lordship and My kingdom.

5.  "The fifth Babylon is called “Mystery Babylon.”  It is the deception of all false religions that will ultimately ensnare all under the spirit of antichrist who forsake Me.  The foundations of Mystery Babylon started in the ancient pagan world, but the foundation built in the church age comes out of the replacement theology of the Roman church.  It is ultimately the knowledge of the spiritual GOOD in man that shall be the ultimate deception.  Man’s good works apart from Me shall never pay the price of the redemption of a soul.  Only My blood can do that. 

6.  "The sixth Babylon is found in the wealthy nations of the last days that forsake Me and turn to idols.  It is all the geographic regions of those that are made rich through the economic system of these times.  They are found in the islands of the sea, in the havens of great wealth and nations where these resources are stored.  When My people are finally removed from these nations and islands, my judgment of fire shall consume them.  Do not think that America shall be spared, for she has turned away from Me.  [Ed., The Lord revealed to another person that He will not totally destroy America but will humble her before the world.]

"A part of this sixth Babylon is a city.  It is described in the book of Revelation as the worldwide center for finances, trade, commerce, art, music and every fine and desirable thing of mankind.  It is the new covenant city of Tyre.  Mammon is its’ God.  Satan’s economic throne is there.  His pagan throne of human sacrifice is found in Calcutta, India.  His false religious throne is built upon the seven hills of the Vatican in Rome.  But the great city Babylon is New York City.  Its god is money and riches.  It shall be destroyed in one hour after My people – both Jewish and in the church - shall be removed out of her.  What city is like THIS city?  It also shall be burned with fire and never be rebuilt again.   America will also be completely destroyed by fire, if it does not repent and turn back to Me, as I showed you in this vision.

Maurice Sklar - 1985 Vision


What is Babylon in the Bible?

It is representative of the rebellion of mankind or man's government of himself apart from God's rule.  In our world today, it is the spirit of the philosophy of humanism.  Man is his own god and does not need the Almighty God, it says.

There are at least six major representations of Babylon in the Bible.  Three of them are literal places in history and three are symbolic and prophetic about Satan's end-time government of the world system.  The number six in the bible is the number of man.  The six Babylons are:

1.  The city called Babel in the plain of the land of Shinar where a tower was built to worship satan.  God judged it by changing the languages of man (from one to many) and keeping them from uniting. (Gen. 11)

2.  The land of Babylon (present day Iraq) where king Nebuchadnezzar reigned in the ancient world.  God judged Babylon by destroying it after they took Israel captive.  God also judged King Nebuchadnezzar personally by making him like an animal and going crazy for seven years until he repented and acknowledged the Most High God rules over all.  (In the same way, the entire earth will go crazy for seven years, becoming drunk on the wine of Babylon and be judged by God when He treads out the winepress of the fierceness of His wrath against her).

3.  The ancient empire that was the greatest and most lavish in the ancient world.  This includes not only present day Iraq, but also a number of other nations surrounding it. God judged it by destroying it forever and declaring that it would never be rebuilt as a literal empire or kingdom.

4.  The spiritual power behind the end-time POLITICAL and ECONOMIC unity of all the nations of the Earth.  God will judge this by the return of the Messiah to the Earth and smashing it into pieces like a piece of pottery is smashed by an iron rod.  (Psalm 2 and other places). 

5.  The spiritual power behind the end-time RELIGIOUS unity of all peoples of the Earth.  All the Earth will worship Satan as God and the man called the antichrist who will rule the Earth during the last seven years of judgment called "the Great Tribulation." 

The false church, "the harlot" of the book of Revelation, will unite in its' hatred of Israel, the Jews and the true believing church.  The spirit of Babylon will continue to seduce and to satanically ensnare millions through the world systems of finance and false "new-age" religions.   God will judge and destroy Babylon in His mighty wrath and set up His Kingdom forever upon Earth.   Blessed be the Most High God forever!

6.  The location of an end-time city and also the geographical regions of the Earth called "the islands of the sea."  The Bible clearly describes an end-time city that will be the center of world trade, world finance, the arts and music, and every fine and great thing that is the pride of man.  With this city also is described various end-time nations and peoples that are directly connected with it.  They are living in a lavish, extravagant way and they mock God because of their wealth, their idolatry and their great pride.  They are called "the islands of the sea" by the prophets in the bible.  God will judge both this central city and these nations living in "the islands of the sea" by destroying them suddenly in a catastrophic way by fire.  The city called "Babylon" will be destroyed in one hour by fire [Ed., New York].  The "islands of the sea" shall also suffer the same fate and be destroyed suddenly in the same manner "in one day."

The ancient harlots and courtesans would always use wine to both intoxicate and to seduce their "clients."  The more expensive she was, the more spices and drugs were present in her wine.  Right now, the whore of Babylon is spewing out her wine into every nation of the Earth.  God is also pouring out His wine for the church and the Jewish people.

You will drink from either God's cup or you will drink from Babylon's cup.  You must decide now what wine you are going to drink.  You cannot remain neutral because you have to worship something.  Whenever you worship, you are drinking from a spiritual cup of wine.  So, who is your god?  All will know by which cup you drink from. 

So, church, do you really belong to Jesus, or are you just pretending that He is your LORD?  Have you taken up your cross to follow Him, or are you getting drunk on the wine of the idolatrous whore of Babylon?  Remember, Jesus said that both the righteous and the wicked would grow up together as wheat and tares in the earth.  You couldn't tell them apart until harvest time.  But now it is harvest time in the spirit realm.  We are going to find out who you really are by which cup you drink from now, church.

Let's get a little clearer and not so symbolic and metaphorical, ok?  So, just what is the "wine of Babylon" anyway?  Oh, I am so glad you asked.  It is everywhere to be imbibed.  You won't have to look far to find it:

  1.  What music do you listen to?
  2.  What entertainment do you watch: movies, video games, television, radio, CDs and   DVDs and plays and magazines and clubs and "nightlife" and the internet?
  3.   What is your primary motivation:  The love of money and the pursuit of pleasure or      the love of God and the pursuit of Him?  You cannot pursue both at the same time.    Which wine are you drinking?
  4.  Is your job and profession of work (your "career") to build an empire down here or so  that you can build the kingdom of God?  Do you care at all about getting the gospel   to the world and saving souls from hell or do you just care about yourself, your   comfort and the building of your personal empire?  IS MONEY AND PLEASURE   YOUR GOD?  Do you serve it?  Then, you are drinking from the wrong cup.  Is your   focus on ETERNAL things or just the "here and now"?   That will reveal which wine     you have been drinking.
  5.  How much TIME do you spend with God in prayer and reading and study of His          Word?  If you have very little devotional time with God, there is very little hope for   you that you will be able to stay away from drinking of the wine of Babylon.  IT IS  EVERYWHERE!  SPEND MUCH TIME WITH THE LORD, BELOVED!  Drink instead   of the cup of the Lord.  His wine is the best, Praise God.
  6.  Are you connected strongly to a local church that is on fire for God and preaches   the uncompromising message of the Bible?  Do they let the Holy Spirit have His way   in your services?  Are you hearing the clear voice of the Master from the pulpit?       What kind of wine is YOUR church serving?  The wine of dead religion is the wine     Babylon.
  7.  Is there known and/or habitual sin in your life?  Is your conscience pure and  undefiled?  That is the acid test.  YOU CANNOT DRINK THE WINE OF BABYLON   WITHOUT REAPING THE FRUIT OF CARNALITY.  There is no way out of the sin   and condemnation cycle except through changing the kind of wine you drink.  Beloved, you must come to the Master's table and dine with Him. He has the bread    of righteousness, holiness and healing.  He has the wine of joy, peace, faith   and   love.  The "bread of Heaven" will satisfy.  The wine of His presence will give you   strength to live holy and pure even in these dark and perilous days.  Eat the flesh of   the Son of God (Ed., represented by the bread eaten in communion).  Drink His   blood (Ed., represented by the wine you partake during communion).  Receive     communion on a daily basis if you can.  THIS IS THE BREAD AND THE WINE OF       HEAVEN.

"Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.  Having, therefore, these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the God." (2 Cor. 6:17-7:1)

Come to the Lord's Table and dine with Him.  It is so wonderful to partake of the bread and wine of Heaven.  Let God purify and cleanse you now, by His love and grace.  You will never desire the wine of Babylon again.  AMEN.

My love to you in Our Messiah, Jesus

Maurice Sklar