Michelle W (24 Sep 2023)
"The Lord is trying to get our attention. Biden wants a 2 State Solution. That scared our cat."


The Lord is trying to get our attention. Today at the UN Assembly Biden called for a two state solution. Well, I told my parents. One of our cats (Pampered) hid under a pillow (the pillow is in a pile of clothes or whatever. So, the pillow was elevated making it possible for her to hide under it). I asked if he’s ever seen her do that before and dad said no. Mom picked her up. She started asking Pampered about Biden and the two state solution. She than quickly went back under the pillow.


That is very odd for her. Whenever I see her she’s always relaxing on the cabinet or another place. She never hides. I think God is trying to tell us something. Jesus loved to use the most simplest things (sheep, farming and soil,a fig tree,etc…) to get His point across. Now He’s using a cat.


Those with eyes to see and ears to hear should understand the times we’re living in. The Lord is letting not only people be able to see this (as long as they’re awake) but the animals. I have a book on John Bunyan. He used to say things “(insert whatever he would mention) preacheth to thee…” What is the Lord using to preach that America should fear the coming of the judgment of the Lord (now that Biden has again declared a desire for a two state solution)? A scared cat. And her name is Pampered. America has been pampered.