Luis Vega (24 Sep 2023)
"SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST - Will the Real AntiChrist Please Stand-Up?"


Will the Real AntiChrist Please Stand-Up? 


‘Children, it is the Last Hour; and just as you have heard that the AntiChrist is coming, so now many AntiChrists have appeared. This is how we know it is the Last Hour’. -1 John 2:8 

When one thinks about who and what and when will be all that pertaining to the AntiChrist will occur, there are more than enough Conjectures to last a Lifetime. Case in Point, back in 1980. When one became a Follower of Jesus, the Christian that introduced me to Jesus, said the following. He believed the AntiChrist that is described in the Bible was ‘Alive and Well’ on Planet Earth. This is not to make little of this Conjecture. But if the Average Age of the said AntiChrist would have been around in his Mid-30s as Jesus was, that would make him be at least in his  Mid-70 by now, more or less. This is to say that the AntiChrist would be or will be ‘Dead on Arrival’.

However, that Phrase that many Believers in Christ thought the AntiChrist was ‘Alive and Well’, has been said in their Respective Lifetime. It has been Relative to Prophecy and their Circumstances. For example, the Early Church rightly thought that Emperor Nero or the subsequent Evil Roman Emperors where the AntiChrist. They were nothing more than Perverted Pedophiles ravaging the Early Church. The Nero’s of their Day were the AntiChrist. And one can and does argue that Prophetically, they did embody the Spirit of AntiChrist that the Bible does teach is ‘Alive and Well’ on Planet Earth.

Then throughout the Middle Ages you had the Religious Wars and the Spanish Inquisition. Many Followers of Jesus like the Huguenots of France were hunted-down, Martyred by the ‘Official State Church’. In that case, it was the Roman Catholic Church that saw anyone a ‘Heretic’ for not believing the Official Narrative. They too, embodied and embodies the Spirit of AntiChrist. Thus, to the Protestants, the Popes ere the AntiChrists. Then in Modernity, there have been many World Leaders that have taken on the Mantel of this Luciferian Spirit of Rebellion, or of Nimrod, etc.

Many Students of the Bible and of the End Times believed that Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Xerxes, Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler have been AntiChrist Candidates. For sure, all these, especially those of the 4 Beast Empires given in the Dream to the Prophet Daniel were Contenders. Their Image bore the Spirit of the Beast System. One argues that the System has never gone away into the Dust of History.

The Succession of such Beasts and Metal Types are a Prophetic Road-Map to the coming of what will eventually be the Man of Sin, the real and Last ‘AntiChrist’ of Lucifer. What is the ‘Spirit of AntiChrist’? According to the Bible and its Word Meaning, Anti means either ‘Against’ or ‘Instead of’. Christ means, the ‘Anointed. Thus, the Literal Translation would render it the ‘Chosen One’, Instead of’ or the ‘Anointed’ that is ‘Against’. The Terms really do encompass the Notion of what is being conveyed. The Chosen One of Lucifer is what he is working to replace Jesus with. He will.

God of this Earth
The Spirit of AntiChrist is anyone and anything that takes the Place of Jesus, who is the True Anointed Christ. It is ultimately Lucifer himself that seeks to take the Place of and is Against Jesus. All this originated before the Creation of Humanity on Earth. In Heaven, Lucifer was and is the Source of this AntiChrist Spirit. It was he who in his Heart, decided to choose the Path of Evil, Rebellion, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Deception and Murder, etc. Worse is that he is the Greatest Deceiver in that he beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden when Adam was not Paying Attention. Eve believed in his ‘Better Deal’ or as one calls it the ‘Gospel According to Lucifer’. And the Rest is History as they say.

>From that point on, not only is the Spirit of AntiChrist coming from the Source, Lucifer in the World, but now every Human since Adam and Eve’s 1st Prodigy, i.e., the Human Race has this same ‘Spirit’ to varying Degrees. It is called Sin Nature. It is what Eve and then Adam wanted, to ‘Know Good from Evil’. They wanted to be Judges of that Knowledge, independent of YHVH’s Guidance and Truth. Thus, Humanity was taken over with a Lie. It was and is predicated on what they were told. Lucifer told them that they could have and become what they already were and had.

This is the Spirit of AntiChrist. It is Rejecting the Truth of YHVH. Ultimately, it is Lucifer that seeks to Replace Jesus as the True Christ. How so? Realize that Lucifer is not just any type of Angel. Although not the highest in terms of Wings, that being 4 as Cherubim have, there are the Seraphim that have 6 Wings, etc. What sets Lucifer apart is his Appointed Rank and Position in Heaven and as one surmises, on Earth. It is said of Lucifer that he was the ‘Covering Cherub’ and led the Musical Array in some way.

He was like a Cantor in how he has his Vocal Cords and Sound described in the Bible. He was in the Garden of Eden, of YHVH. He is attributed to being the Shining One, as in a Serpent type of Essence. He is in Active Rebellion as he has Opposed all that is Holy and Good in Heave. Realize that the Notion of a Peaceful and Harmonious Heaven with Rainbows and Unicorns is not the case. It was at one Occasion. One cannot even say, ‘At 1 Time’ as there is no Time in Heaven.

But relative to Time and Space as Humanity was Created into it, it was before Time and Space that Lucifer ignited the true ‘Star Wars’ in the Heavens. He just has taken that Fight down to Earth and persuaded .33 of the Angels to side with him. These are the Fallen Angels. And along with Humanity, it is blindly thinking they will get a Better Deal than what YHVH originally planned or now has in store through Jesus Christ. This is why GOD the Son, the 2nd Person of the Trinity agreed to take on the Flesh of Humanity and be that Substitute Payment for the Disobedience of Eve and Adam.

In Jesus, the Garden is Restored and so is Humanity’s Position in the Plan and Will of the Creator, YHVH. In part, Humanity is to be ‘Kings and Priests’ on Earth. They are to be Stewards of the Creation, of the Animals as they were originally Created to be, etc. Moreover, Humanity is to Collectively and Mysteriously be the Consort and Bride of GOD the Son, which in this case is Jesus. This is why, to a degree, Humanity was a Creation like no other. Worse for Lucifer is that Humanity is to Rule the Angels 1 Day.

Image Bearers of YHVH
YHVH made Humanity as a By-Product of the Earth’s Dust, fused with the Breath of His Life Essence to produce a Living Soul. This is why Humanity is so Precious and Lucifer wages War against Humanity in that Respect. It is because the Sons and Daughter of Adam and Eve bear the very ‘Image and Likeness’ of YHVH. Lucifer cannot say that. No other Created Being can say that in the entire Universe, in Heaven, on Earth or below Earth, etc. This Image and Likeness contained in a Body of Flesh is what is the most Valuable Element of the Human Creation, the Soul.

Consider what the Bible teaches. It states emphatically that one’s Body and Spirit belong to YHVH. And the Soul? This is one’s to Possess and have for all Eternity. The Question is, where will it Reside at? And with which GOD and Christ? Do you realize that Lucifer is also a ‘Christ’? How so? He is named the ‘Anointed Cherub’, This means Lucifer is also a ‘Christ’. Obviously not on the same Level as Jesus. But nonetheless, to the Luciferians of the World, Lucifer is the True Christ and Jesus is not.

The Soul is that which separates the Man from the Machine and the other Mammals. It is the Prize that Lucifer seeks to obtain. He wants to drag down as many Souls to the Lake of Fire. The Soul, as mentioned, is the by-product of YHVH’s Life Source or ‘Breath’ and the Dust of the Earth. Thus, such is the Constitution of the Human that reflects the 3 Persons of the Trinity. As every Cell in the Human Body has 3 major Components, it is reminiscent of the Temples of YHVH that had/have 3 Components. Take for example the Tabernacle of Moses. It had 3 Gates or Doors, as does every Cell in the Human Body. And as other Researchers have attributed these Doors to, they are called by the Jews the following, starting with the Outside one.

Door 1-The Way
Door 2-The Truth
Door 3-The Life

In fact, the Early Christians were 1st called the People of ‘The Way’. It is in reference to Jesus, who said this exactly about Himself. Jesus stated, ‘I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’. Jesus further stated, ‘I AM the Door’, etc. there are even 7 other Doors that affect the Soul. These are constituted in the Head of a Human Being that has Orifices to help it relate to the External World. And this is why it is so important to ‘Guard’ those Gates. In many instances, one cannot help what one sees, hears or Perceives. But that is why with the Blood of Jesus and the Word of the Bible, on is called to be ‘Cleansed’ Daily by them.

1-Eye 1
2-Eye 2
3-Ear 1
4-Ear 2
5-Nostril 1
6-Nostril 2 


One’s Soul is at Stake
Of course, these are only the 7 Physical Sensors that help a Human receive Information. There is still the Mind that is the 8th Sensory, as it functions like a Computer that Analyses and Interprets Information, etc. All that is by way of Background to suggest that in like manner, Lucifer has and is ‘Birthing’ his Human to be a Vessel or Challis to receive the Hybridized Human that will embody the Last and Final AntiChrist. How so? This Notion is predicated on the Prophecy of Daniel given to him regarding the 4 Beast Kingdoms or Empires that would rule the World before Jesus returns. The AntiChrist is described as a Beast with 4 Iterations, foremost and then they are also attributed to 4 Types of Metals. 


This Beast Kingdom or Nation starts with Babylon and ends with Rome. It is the Roman Period or Kingdom that starts as 1 but splits into 2 Halves. This is Historical. However, what is most intriguing and Mysterious is how the Bible describes that the last Iteration of the 4th Kingdom will consist of, Iron mixed with Clay. For Centuries, the Language was believed to be Euphemistic or Metaphorical. However, now in Modernity, it can be further elaborated in terms of Genetics. How So? mRNA Technology. This is to suggest, exactly as Jesus said the Last Days would be, as ‘In the Days of Noah’. And those Days were based on the Genetic Hybridization of Humanity by Lucifer and his Fallen Angels.

Humanity has now caught-up to his Reality and Scientific Possibility. The Genetic Manipulation and Hybridization of Humanity started as soon as the Fall of Adam and Eve occurred. But specifically, in the Human Historical Timeline, it was not until it reached a Threshold that it was mentioned in Genesis 6 of what had occurred that led to the need of a Worldwide Flood Judgment because of it. Thus, the Hybridization of Humanity has now reached a similar Point or Singularity of warranting another Worldwide Judgment. This will occur after the Rapture of the Bride. But immediately thereafter, Lucifer will thus unveil his AntiChrist. It will be a ‘Mixing of Iron with Clay’.

It will be at that Individual Level, but with the accompanying Mark of the Beast, that reconstituted Humanity 2.0. It will be afforded to anyone that will be Deceived into thinking they will be getting a Genetic Upgrade. Why take it? As the Bible teaches, without the Mark, no one will be able to ‘Buy or Sell’. It will also be presented as a ‘Cure-All’ to fight-off COVID-like Plandemics or ‘Merge with the Machine’ and ‘Live Forever as Gods’, etc. In actuality, it will be the Defacing of the Soul, of YHVH’s Image and Likeness that instead, will be that of Lucifer’s’.

In 1 Possible and Plausible Interpretation, the Iron can be attributed to the Nano-Technology based on Graphene Oxide that are in the COVID Kill Shots. And the Clay is that of what Humanity is naturally made out of, Earth. In fact, the Name, ‘Adam’, means Red Clay, having a Connotation of the Color Red. So, perhaps, not only will the literal Person, i.e., the Human Being AntiChrist will be a Hybrid due to Genetic Manipulation of the Genome, but so will Millions if not Billions of Humans that will eventually be Deceived to take Lucifer’s Name, Number, etc. There is Prophetic Precedence in how for example, Nimrod in some fashion obtained the Knowledge to change the Genetic Make-Up of his Body to become a Giant. Consider the ‘Super-Soldier’ Programs. 

Ancient Motifs
Realize that Nimrod is considered the 1st Type of the AntiChrist that opposed YHVH. Nimrod is considered the 1st Mason no less. Look to confirm that in one’s Prophetic Estimation, the AntiChrist will be a Mason or be associated with them. This is beside the Conjecture that he will have to be a Jew. And that this Jew will have to prove his Messiah Credentials by the very Bloodline of King David, etc.  


Then there is Hitler who with the Help of the Corporate Masons, Kabbalists and Synagogue of Satan, Tattooed the Jews and others in the Concentration Camps. Lastly, what is also very intriguing to consider is the Mark of the Beast. It is not entirely clear, at this point, what that will look like when introduced to the Body. One can surmise the Name, and the Number, 666 exclusive. 


But as to its Motif? That is to be determined. However, there is strong Evidence that the Greek Letters for ‘666’ can be attributed also to the Name of ‘Allah’, the Muslim False Moon God. If one places the 3 Greek Symbols, next to the Arabic 3 Letters, they are the same. This is to suggest that when a Muslim says, ‘In the Name of Allah’, they are reciting, ‘In the Name of 666’. The following is the Motif with Explanation as it is surmised presently.  


LETTER          MOTIF                        NUMERICAL VALUE        
Chi                  = ‘X’                            600     
Xi                     = Serpent                   60       
Stigma             = ‘Superman’              6         
Total                                                    666 


The Symbol of the Arabic, Crossed Swords, and the Bismillah or Name of Allah is represented by the Greek Letters that add-up to the Numerical Value of 666.It is pronounced ‘Kai-Sai’. This Greek Word appears in the Codex Vaticanus version of the Bible, whose one is of the Opinion, is a Corrupted Text based off of the Alexandrian Gnostic ones, etc. The Biblical Verse where this Number is found is in Revelation 13:11, 16-18. This is because in the Language of Greek, as in Hebrew and Arabic, each Letter corresponds to a Number.  


Thus, Numbers or Mathematics is in itself a Language and can be communicated through it. There is a Great Debate about what the ‘Mark’ is or will be exactly. One is sure that it will be associated as the Bible teaches. It will be about a Name, and Number and one’s Worship. It will all be tied together and with Modern Technology, it will involve the Image of Man that as mentioned, will be altered Genetically. It already has begun with COVID 1.0. COVID 2.0 is next.

There are some who point out that this Luciferian ‘Mark of the Beast’ Innuendo is being Practiced in the Roman Catholic Religion since it usurped the Name and Body of Jesus on Earth. How so? This is seen during ‘Ash Wednesday’ when an ‘X’ or ‘Mark’ is literally made with Ashes in the Forehead of a Roman Catholic. This Practice has eerily connotations of where 1 of the 2 Places on the Body the actual Mark or ‘X’ of the Beast System will be made on the Human Body.

Age of AntiChrist
And this Religious Practice exactly exemplifies why the Mark of the Beast will be an Act of Worship. The Mark of the Beast will gladly be offered and accepted by all those that will choose to ‘Worship’ Lucifer’s AntiChrist during this Age after the Rapture. Realize that this Ancient Symbol is more than just a Motif, Name and Number. It is also linked Astronomically to depict where one surmises ‘Heaven’ is at, as in the Position relative to Earth’s Sighting and Entrance. The 3-Motif Word is a Cosmic Motif of the Pleiades, the Orion Cross and Sirius. This 3-Prong Motif is also an Ancient Hindu Motif.

It is called the Tri Shakti Yantra that conveys the same Truth, Cosmologically. From left to Right, there is the Swastika Symbol or the ‘Crooked Cross’, corresponding to Orion. Then the Symbol for ‘Om’ is in the middle, which corresponds to Taurus and the Pleiades. The Order, Astronomically varies. This Motif of the Middle ‘Om’ represents the Symbol of Creation’s Sound. It is as in the Biblical Notion when YHVH said, ‘Let there be Light’…The Sound is of the Logos. In the Beginning was the Logos, i.e., Jesus. The Word reverberated or Resonated throughout the Creation to make it come into being.

2-Taurus – Pleiades


Creation is all about Numbers and Frequency, as Light is Frequency at its core. In fact, it is like Water that can be Delineated into 3 Main Components, as is the Triune Creator, etc. Then there is the Word for ‘Allah’ which corresponds to the Moon Goddess, the Queen of Heaven, Sirius, etc. One is not saying that these Ancient Pagan Motifs are of YHVH. On the contrary, it is Lucifer and his Fallen Angels that contorted their True Meaning and Purposes. Study who the 200 Fallen Angels are, that came down to Mount Hermon taught all this Forbidden Knowledge to Mankind. But as to the ‘Allah Connection’?

This is why some Mainstream Evangelical Preachers and Teachers are convinced the Biblical AntiChrist will be a Muslim. One does not agree with this Interpretation. Some also believe that because presently the Eastern Leg or Half of what was the Byzantine Empire, centered in the 2nd Rome, i.e., Constantinople, now Istanbul is ruled by the Muslims. In their Logic and Reasoning, it ‘Makes Sense’ but Perception is not Reality. In Arabic, the Name of Allah is a Motif of a Dragon or Snake in the Midst of a Tree or Pole. This is the Symbol of the World Health Organization, the W.H.O. Coincidence? No.  


It is a reference to the Caduceus of Mercury and a disputed inference to the Bronze Snake that Moses lifted up in the Wilderness, etc. Astronomically, this ‘Allah’ Motif can be associated with the Constellation of Ophiuchus. In the Inverted Interpretation and Use of the Motif, the Luciferians ascribe the Meaning of the Mazzaroth to Lucifer, not Jesus. For example, Jesus is typified as Ophiuchus. He is the Sentinel of the Golden Gate in the Cosmos. He is wrestling with a Serpent that seeks to usurp the Crown, Corona Borealis. It is an appropriate depiction of what Jesus came to do. 

As Jesus said, ‘I come to Destroy the Works of the Devil’, etc. But Lucifer’s ‘Great Work’ is to reverse the Victory of Jesus at the Cross of Calvary. Lucifer is attempting to prolong his inevitable Doom to the Lake of Fire, if he can only Destroy all the Jews. Why? So not 1 can ever say, ‘Blessed be Him who comes in the Name of the LORD’. Why? That is the Condition Jesus put upon National Israel before He would or could only Return. Until that time, Lucifer and his AntiChrist Beast will be making all the effort to take the Crown away from Adam on Earth, which he did.  


But the Last Adam, Jesus came in Adam’s stead to reclaim the Crown, Power and Authority originally given to Adam by YHVH on Earth. It was relinquished to Lucifer by Stealth that led to Sin and the Downfall of Humanity. Thus, the Motif of the ‘Snake in the Tree’ or Pole is thus an Ancient Depiction of Lucifer, as the Nachash, or Shining One Being in the Midst of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, there in the Garden of Eden.  


And as to why Lucifer was there? It is because that was his ‘Turf’ or Territory, as Ezekiel 28 infers. Is it no wonder why the W.H.O. is being used as a ‘Vehicle’, and a Medical one at that, in fomenting the Plandemics. They are serving to Preparing Humanity for the Mark of the Beast, Genetically, Biometrically. How? The U.N. has now stated Publicly, that it is they that ‘Own the Science’.

And to that End, the coming World Order, the ‘Age of AntiChrist’ will be based on ‘Science’. But it will be the ‘Official Science’ that one must not and will not be able to Question, Doubt or Challenge. This is what will characterize the Age of the AntiChrist. It all boils down to ‘Whom will you Worship?’ This will be at the core of this Beast System and that Last Luciferian World Empire that will rule over Earth before Jesus returns with the Bride of Christ at His side.


Last Luciferian Beast Empire 


This Book examines the case for the Countdown to the coming Apocalyptic New World Order that will be tied to Daniel’s 7-Year Sabbatical Cycle of the Terminal Generation based on Sacred Knowledge, Past, Present and Future. Evidence presented will examine Astronomical Heavenly Signs, Biblical Types and Parallels to suggest when the advent of the coming Luciferian AntiChrist and his Empire are soon to be Debuted. The 'Image of the Beast' as foretold will cause the coming 3rd Temple to have an Abomination that causes Desolation.


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