Luis Vega (13 Sep 2023)
"ANTICHRIST - Last Beast Empire on Earth"


Last Beast Empire on Earth

by Luis B. Vega     


‘The 4th Beast is a 4th Kingdom (Empire) that will appear on Earth. It will be different from all the other Kingdoms and will devour the whole Earth, trampling it down and crushing it'. –Daniel 7:23

The purpose of this Book is to suggest that the coming apocalyptic New World Order will be both Luciferian and Masonic. It will also coincide with the last Jubilee Year Cycle. This Jubilee countdown is suggested to have started in 1966 on the eve of the liberation of Jerusalem in 1967. Thus, the generation that witnessed the rebirth of Israel in 1948 is perhaps the Jewish Terminal Generation per Psalm 102:18 after all. Many believe that certain astronomical Heavenly Signs and Biblical types and parallels suggest that the advent of the coming Luciferian AntiChrist and his Empire are about to be birthed in the world. Mathematically, the Jubilee Cycle from 1966 appears to approximate a phi ratio of time numerically associated in the beginning with 1948 and the end of the 7 cycles of the 7 Year Sabbaths. This is how it would look like from 2015.

1966 Sabbath Cycle (Liberation of Jerusalem) + [7x7] 49th year = 2015

If one then adds the current Sabbatical Cycle of 7 years, it will end in 2022. Meaning that 2022 would start, if anything the subsequent Sabbath Cycle that this book strongly suggests could very well be Daniel’s 70th Week of Years or the Tribulation Period. This what ‘Everyone’ Thought. One will argue that the 70th Week of Years does not and will not start on a Shemitah or Sabbath Beginning. Rather, it will in Middle one as that is how the Prophecy of the 70th Week given to Daniel in the Book named after him shows the Delineation occurring in the Halves or Mid-Pont of what one calls the Chiastic Fold of the 2 Princes to Come, the 2 Messiahs, etc.  


2015 + 1 Sabbath Count of 7 Years = 2022 + a 3.5 Year Mid-Point Overlap = 2025.5 


This would mean then that the rise and transition to the New World Order would have been completed and thus, the Last Luciferian Masonic Empire. Jesus will pour out the divine Seal Judgment against this 4th and last Luciferian Masonic Empire before His Return. This Wrath of the Lamb will fall by way of the Seal Judgments that are broken by Jesus with the Bride of Christ in Heaven at His side. The Bride will serve as the ‘Legal Witness’ of the verdict against Lucifer and his conspirator Masonic Empires throughout history that shed the blood of Christ’s Martyrs throughout the Church Age. 

Prophetic Prelude
Any Seal Judgments correlations up until the New World Order are only a prelude of what is to ultimately be fulfilled during the Tribulation Period. As with all Biblical Prophecy, the Seal Judgments have also cast their prophetic shadow throughout human history. This has been the case with the previous Luciferian world empires that demonstrated similar types of judgment patterns; false antichrists, false peace, war, plagues, death, etc. This Book also suggests that the geo-political, economic, military and religious domain of the coming Masonic Empire of Lucifer’s AntiChrist will comprise the last rendition of the Roman Empire centered on the Mediterranean and Israel.

The illustrations will show that even the topography of this realm approximates the anthropomorphic dimensions of the Vitruvian Man of da Vinci in phi ratio proportions. This form has its base at the Pillars of Hercules that coincide with a direct heading to the coming New Jerusalem boundaries at a 33 Degree Angle. The scale appears to correspond to the King of Babylon’s dream of the statue destroyed by a ‘Rock’ at the base of the statue that also corresponds to the Rock of Gibraltar. This Rock from Heaven, that will be Jesus Christ will come when the last rendition of the last Beast Empire has a 10-Toe Confederation ruling the world.

The coming evil Luciferian Masonic Empire will be Masonic only in the sense that the current and prior ones, as interpreted by the prophet Daniel have been orchestrated by such ‘Builders’ that have been involved in either the destruction and/or building of the Temples of YHVH in Jerusalem. Such Secret Societies as the Masons and others are the very ones the Bible exposes as being the ‘Builders’ that rejected the true ‘Stone’, the Rock which is Christ Jesus–the true Light of the World. This study will present the prophetic Biblical parallels to suggest that the coming Luciferian Masonic Empire will coincide with the transition and transformation to the New World Order.

There have also been many Astronomical signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars that seem to herald the coming of the AntiChrist. For example, one such Astronomical Sign has coincided with the rising of Ophiuchus and how Saturn will be in this Sign for the next 7 years, perhaps signaling that his New World Christ and Age are about to be birthed. Each segment of Nebuchadnezzar’s prophetic statue metal element corresponded to a Luciferian Beast Masonic Empire. Nonetheless, there are many competing theories as to what the last 10-Toe Nation confederation Empire will be comprised of in the Last Generation.

Many speculate the coming New World Order will be 10 world Regional Superpowers, perhaps but given the prophetic context and imagery of Daniel’s interpretation of the King of Babylon's statue, the natural termination would be within the Empire type that corresponds to the current world Masonic Empire. And this is Rome that is still influencing both sides of the Mediterranean. Many may not have realized that for example, the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt is centered in Cairo’s Masonic Lodge. It was from such a Masonic temple of doom that the plans for the Arab Spring were formulated. Their nemesis is the Christian Church and Israel for which their Islamic mobs burnt many ancient Coptic Churches to the ground during that time. 

False Christs 

This book is not meant to offend Masons, Muslims or Catholics but to warn them to get out of such Luciferian organizations and their trappings as YHVH warned His People to get out of Babylon or else face the same condemnation and judgment that is to befall their Harlot, their Queen of Heaven as described in Revelation. The successor to the Roman Empire, based on its laws, political, economic, educational and religious system is Europe and the Americas by colonization as Rome was famed for doing. Currently the Luciferian Beast Empire ruling the world in one form or another is the USA in the Americas. This Book holds to the interpretation that the last rendition of the King of Babylon’s statue prophecy will involve a version of this current Roman Empire imprint. 

Technically the Roman Empire has not ceased to exist as it morphed into the Papacy. In essence, the Pope is the Roman Caesar's religious office and thus still in operation with an official state, land, bank, post office, army, although small in comparison to its former imperial glory. The Papacy is still one of the ‘Beasts’ but now depicted as a miniscule ‘Lamb’ coming out of the ground but that speaks like a Dragon and in the authority and power of the Dragon as the Book of Revelation depicts. The point is that every nation that the Luciferians have used to bring about their ‘Great Work’ has been milked out of its recourses, its best and brightest and when no longer able to lay the proverbial golden eggs. Why?  


It is because they kill the Goose and go on to the next ‘Bird’. Currently the USA is that ‘Phoenix’ Masonic Empire that emerged 2-fold out of the ashes of a burned and imploded Old Phoenix Europe; first in 1776 and then after World War 2 in 1945. The USA, especially after WW2 has been used by the ‘Builders’ to operate theatres of war and military operations primarily in preparations for this last 10-Toe Nation to be totally controlled by their Luciferian confederation by empowering ‘democracy’ movements and force regime change, especially in the Middle East.

The various chapters of this book will have been completed from some previous studies. The main argument of these studies is to suggest that the prophetic pendulum is about to swing back to Europe for the New World Order. Primarily it will be from the Mediterranean basin where the realm of the Beast is to operate from and Jerusalem ultimately as the eventually headquarters of the coming AntiChrist that will set up his world domination via the 3rd Temple. This book argues that it will be Luciferian and Masonic.

The studies of this Book will present the case that the USA has been set up to implode as part of the Builder’s Great Work requirement for ushering in their Luciferian Masonic New World Order. Why these Luciferian Empires are vilified and attributed to being Masonic in this book is because such Secret Societies on the outward appearance are seen as good, upright and moral. It would be considered an oxymoron that the Masonic nature of the New World Order would be labeled ‘evil’ as most would consider the work of the Masons to be good, beneficial, and seek the betterment of mankind. It is not as the studies will show.  

The narration of the text will have a 3rd person point of view. All numbers from one to 10 will be numerated for emphasis. Certain word or phrases will be capitalized or italicized for emphasis and not all grammatical rules will be followed. 

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Last Beast Empire on Earth 

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Prologue…………………………………………….…..    9

Image of the Beast…….…………………….………....   15
Masonic Conspiracy……………………………………    37
Anno Lucis………………………………………………    55
Coming of the 5th Order….…………………………...    87
Astronomical Clocks……………………………………   115
Descent of Lucifer….…………….………..……….…..   119
Lucifer’s Great Work………………………..……..……   143
Lucifer’s 10 Commandments….………………..……..   169
Synagogues of Satan…………………………...……..    193
Chrislam ……………………….………………..………   205
Market Crash Cycles………………………….............   213
Washington Masonic Nation……………………..…...   227
Gates of Ba’al……..……………………………….…...    265
Mark of Which Beast?...............................................   279
Pluto Retrogrades………………………………...……    290
Countdown to the Abomination……………………….    313
Masonic Man……………………………………………    323
Noahide Laws…………………………………………..    341
Alien Disclosure Rapture………………………………   351

References…………………………….………...………  363
ABC’s of Salvation………………………………………   365
Book References……………………………………….    373 


© 2015 PostScripts Publications
Last Luciferian Beast Empire 




Category: Religion & Spirituality 

Copyright: All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License

Publisher: Lulu

Binding: Paperback 

Interior: Color 

Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm) 

Publication Date Revised: May 18, 2021 

Language: English 

ISBN: 9781008951594 

