Lewis Brackett (24 Sep 2023)
"Epoch times quote on VAIDS"

Epoch Times September-15-2023

Researchers from Australia took blood samples of 29 children before
and after COVID-19 vaccination. They wanted to see if the vaccine
might have other beneficial side effects.

Vaccines can trigger an immune response in your body that can help
fight off additional viruses or bacteria—not just the one specific
disease you were vaccinated against. Think of it as your body's
defense mechanisms getting wiser. It’s called heterologous immunity,
and it can happen with natural infections too.

The scientists noticed that nobody looked for this effect in COVID-19
vaccines for children.

But when they ran the experiment, what they found was exactly the
opposite of what they expected.

Instead of seeing any improvement, they saw a reduced immune response
toward other viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

This was a big surprise for them.

But it was not surprising to the doctors who have been speaking out
about mRNA vaccine safety. These doctors already have a name for this:
vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or VAIDS.