Jean Stepnoski (24 Sep 2023)
"On Yom Teruah It Is Written, On Yom Kippur It Is Sealed"

   The following is a revised post from 9 Oct 2022. 
   It is Jewish tradition that the names of people are WRITTEN in books on Yom Teruah (The Feast of Trumpets, Yom ha Din): righteous, or wicked, or indeterminate. Then on Yom Kippur, after The Days of Awe, 10 days later, are the names SEALED. Someone can change for the better, repent, and go into the Book of the Righteous between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. Believers, the redeemed in Messiah-Christ, want our names WRITTEN, never erased, and SEALED in The Lamb's Book of Life. Yom Kippur is THE LAST DAY of 40 days (like A Sign of Jonah) of Teshuvah (repentance). LAST DAY. It is also THE LAST DAY OF THE DAYS OF AWE. The Messiah has PROMISED "I will lift you up on THE LAST DAY." Can we spiritually discern Yom Kippur completing, fulfilling, finalizing, and SEALING earlier themes associated with Yom Teruah? Some of the themes: Raising of the Dead, Arrival Of A Great King, Royal Wedding, and King's Coronation. Have these been symbolically proclaimed by the sounds of many rams horn shofars blown globally on Yom Teruah 2023? Are The Appointed Times of Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, Time # 5 and Time # 6, part of a vitally necessary SPIRITUAL CONTINUUM AND PROCESS, COMPLETED AND SEALED, on Yom Kippur 2023? Yom Kippur involves the longest fast of the year. It is traditional for Jewish brides and grooms to FAST before going to the wedding canopy (the Chuppah) for the concluding wedding rituals. The Messiah's teachings about fasting appear in all 3 Synoptic Gospels. Thrice mention is important, it is underscored to REMEMBER. Will the Messiah, the Groom of grooms, end the pre wedding fast by arriving on Yom Kippur? Or at the midnight hour for Israel going into Tishri 11? The midnight Hour is significant in The Ancient Galilean Wedding Model. Part of the world will STILL BE IN YOM KIPPUR.

  Upon reflection, it seems that Yom Kippur is a necessary day of completion, finalization, and SEALING in many ways that Yom Teruah is not. Yom Teruah, Yom ha Din, as prelude? A day to Ramp Up in anticipation and eagerness for "The Joy of His Appearing" in 2023? Yom Teruah is like A Day for ANNOUNCEMENTS and PROCLAMATIONS of nearing events, while Yom Kippur is about multiple SEALINGS! Remember that the ENDING of a 40 day period is about SUMMATION and COMPLETION. Think about Jonah and Ninevah. It is read the afternoon of Yom Kippur. LAST DAY. All finished. Done deal. Each and all repented. Saved. Now think of national Israel on Yom Kippur. It was THE DAY annually when ALL ISRAEL'S SINS were symbolically blood washed, covered (Kippur). Total cleansing. Blood. Faith. Hope. Purity. Righteousness. Deliverance. Relief. Joy and Rejoicing. FREEDOM for each and all! Is Yom Kippur annually a big deal? It certainly is, since days long ago! APPOINTED TIME! We are to fervently and deeply reflect upon the Perfect and Holy ATONING and REDEEMING BLOOD RED of the Messiah! The Unleavened One, never tainted by sins.

   On Yom Kippur at synagogues, all over the world, is the beautiful and sublime ritual called Neilah: The Closing of the Gates. Gates of Heaven. And within? It is the Book of Life with the names WRITTEN and SEALED. Even greater to be WRITTEN AND SEALED IN THE LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE! Near sunset, the last few rays of sunlight are fading away. Near twilight, approaching night's pervasive darkness. Day is DONE. Only Then is blown on the shofar, the thrilling sound of THE GREAT TRUMP. The LAST TRUMP. Long lingering in the air in space and time. Then SILENCE, ten days after The Last Trump on Yom Teruah. Are there 10 days of tribulation before The Blessed Hope, to consider with AWE, THE SHEER AUGUST MAJESTY OF ABBA FATHER AND HIS EVER LIVING SON, THE MESSIAH OF ISRAEL? To REPENT and PREPARE before THE GREAT SEALINGS on Yom Kippur 2023? I wonder...

With Love and Shalom,