Jean Stepnoski (13 Sep 2023)
"Elul 30, The Noteworthy LAST DAY Will Be 9-15 to 16, 2023 On The Torah Calendar. Yom Teruah Will Be 9-16 to 17, 2023"

The Messiah of Israel, the Redeemer of humankind, has PROMISED "I will raise you up on the LAST DAY." Last day of what? The LAST DAY of the Age of Ecclesia, the Age of Grace? And a LAST DAY just before a spiritually commanded notable day, like one of the Appointed Days during the 7 Appointed Times? The LAST DAY of Elul is A SPIRITUAL WATERSHED DAY, A PROFOUND MARKER in space and time. It is A CROSSING OVER DAY, A TRANSFER DAY, and A BRIDGE DAY into the higher spiritual gear days of the 10 Days of Awe. Then with Tishri 1 are deeper self- reflections and Teshuvah during those days ahead through Yom Kippur. According to the Torah Calendar, Elul 30 will be 9-16 to 17. Especially interesting is when it begins at sunset for Israel on 9-16, then proceeds to her Midnight Hour. I have listed 25 motifs, 25 reasons why Elul 30 shall be Noteworthy LAST DAY.

1.   LAST DAY of Elul, the Repentance (Teshuvah) Month of 30 Days.
2.   LAST DAY of Month 6 on Israel's Spiritual Year Calendar.
3.   LAST DAY when Pentecost Season is "Fully Come" on the 7 Lamp Menorah.
4.   LAST DAY on Menorah Lamp 4: Centerpiece Upraised Lamp is 4, The Messiah Lamp is 4, Shavuot - Pentecost Lamp is 4, and "The Midst of the Menorah" Lamp is 4.
5.   LAST DAY before the focal Lamp changes to Lamp 5 on the Menorah.
6.   LAST DAY on the King's Calendar (Civil Year, Regal Year Calendar for Israel), for the Counting of Years.
7.   LAST DAY before the Gates of Heaven Open, literally or symbolically, for The Days of Awe.
8.   LAST DAY symbolically for Summer Fruit of Israel: Almonds, figs, grapes, and pomegranates. Olives are late Summer, basically Autumnal, Harvest Fruit.
9.   LAST DAY before the shofars are blown on Tishri 1. Shofars are traditionally SILENT on Elul 30.
10. LAST DAY before Judgement on Yom ha Din. "On Yom Teruah it is written. On Yom Kippur it is sealed." Association to The Lamb's Book of Life.
11. LAST DAY before The Feast of Trumpets.
12. LAST DAY before The Hidden Day,
13. LAST DAY before The Great Shout.
14. LAST DAY before The Arrival of the Great King and Royal Wedding.
15. LAST DAY before The King's Coronation.
16. LAST DAY "The King is in the field" daily during Elul.
17. LAST DAY of the lovely Elul motif: "I am my Beloved's. And the Beloved is Mine."
18. LAST DAY before The Awakening Blast.
19. LAST DAY before Rosh Hoshana, when the new Civil Year begins for Israel.
20. LAST DAY before The Birthday of the World. 
21. LAST DAY before the Messiah's Birthday, if Yom Teruah on 9-11 3 BC was the date He was born.
22. LAST DAY before The LAST TRUMP?
23. LAST DAY of The Age of Ecclesia, The Age of Grace?
24. LAST DAY for "the bringing in of the fullness of the Gentiles"?
25. LAST DAY to WATCH (Shomer) and PRAY for The Messiah to arrive in The Blessed Hope?

"Watch and Pray that you may escape all that is going to happen. And have the strength to stand before the son of man." Luke 21:34.
The Messiah has PROMISED to come at a time you think not..
Shall the Groom of grooms arrive soon to completely fulfill all the details of The Ancient Galilean Wedding Model?
"To fly the bride to the Father's House." At the Midnight Hour for Israel. 
We shall see...

With Love and Shalom,