James Brownlow (24 Sep 2023)
"A snake in my face -- UNITED AIRLINES Flight 2368"

I had family wedding last week. My return flight from San Francisco to Denver was United Flight 2368. In Greek, "Jesus" is 888 and  "Christ" is 1480 =  a total of 2368 , my "Flight" number.

Upon my return, the following day, I was driving my vehicle at an "excessive" speed going home. It became dark, I turned on my headlights. I noticed something descending , moving from my sun visor, swaying and heading toward my lap. It was a long, pencil diameter size snake , hanging from the sun visor. I pulled over in panic and exited the vehicle. The snake had dropped when I slammed the brakes. I could not locate it anywhere.  I later located it and released it in a parking lot. It was in a plastic container in the back of the car.

I think it means something. I am on a wedding trip, the  flight number  is set, going to be a great trip. A snake is descending in front of my face  and is going to  .......  scare me , others ? ? ? Yes , I even took a picture of the reptile.