Gino (13 Sep 2023)
"RE: Steve C: 09.03.23: men have forgotten God"

That was very insightful, and directly to the point.
I think that could also be a picture of something in the thousand year kingdom.
Not every born in, or living during, the thousand year kingdom, will be redeemed believers.
Apparent by how many, and how quickly, they'll be seduced by the devil released from the pit at the end.
For a thousand years, Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron.
Seemingly, because not everyone will be redeemed believers, transformed by the Spirit and the word of God.
Do they just grudgingly go along with things, until they are given their chance?
Their chance to amass against Jesus and the camp of the saints?
Their chance to end the rule of the rod of iron?
Of course, things don't go as they may hope, or possibly as how the devil convinces them they will.
But like you described about restraint, these also will have their restraint removed for short time.