Gerry Almond (13 Sep 2023)

September 9, 2023


Our removal is, I believe, associated with the great harvest of souls recorded for us in Revelation 7. Between the 144,,000 witnesses found in that chapter and the great crowd of Laodicea Christians left behind at the rapture of the Philadelphia Christians (and, of course, the resurrection of the dead in Christ) and all the innocent ones (children, mentally impaired), Revelation 7:14 “These are they that came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb”.

The number of these is so great, that no man can count them. It is my contention that this must occur before world wide destruction in order for this mass of people to be living at the time of their deliverance. Thus, I feel that America, as just one nation, will not be destroyed before the great “X”, created by a solar eclipse completes itself on April 8, 2024.

This comes back to the present, that is September, 2023. Inasmuch as the length in days of the harvest time has seemingly been given in John 4:35 which says “Say ye not that the harvest is yet four months? Look on the fields for they are white already to harvest”, so said our Lord. Four months (4 x 30) is 120 days. I think the Laodicea Christians will do their mighty harvest work in that 120 days period of time.

As to the timing of their work, I think if begins on the first day of Autumn, inasmuch as Autumn is the harvest season. From September 20/21, 2023, a count of 120 days leads to January 18/19, 2024. It is well before the great “X” over America, by 80 days.

I have repeatedly spoken of coincidences. I am not making more of the following than that:

>>My father's birth date was August 9. That coincides with the atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki, Japan, which ended World War 2.

>>My mother's birth date was October 29. That concided with rise of Barack Obama in his speech to millions in 2008

>>My birth date was May 13. That coincides with the birth of Israel in 1948

>>My wife's birth date was September 20. That is the last day of Summer as it goes to the first day of Autumn. That corresponds to the Fall season of harvest of souls.

>>My only son's birth date was July 3. That is the time of the 280th day, or one gestation period after the great sign of Jesus birth cycle being repeated from 1988 to 2022. I have insisted on this repeat of Jesus birth time as a great sign in my posts. July 4th is Independence Day. It is also my first day in the military in 1950.

>>My youngest sister's birth date was January 18. That corresponds to the last day of the harvest of souls, that is day 120 in 2024.

I have testified of my calling in 1953 and I have warned in many epistles that our Lord is soon coming in the rapture and that we must be ready. It is my belief that the time is directly tied to the harvest of souls and that time is now.

Pray, keep praying, and keep your faith bright.


Gerry Almond