Fay (24 Sep 2023)
"Neil Oliver - OUTSTANDING!"


Hi John and Doves,

Just over 11 minutes, Neil asks us if we are ready for a Revolution (capital R). To be clear - he's not advocating for violence. "Off with their heads" type French Revolution. But Neil's words go straight to the heart of what and who is responsible for the utter mess the world is in today. The globalist cabals. I cannot recommend this short video clip highly enough. It will put such a smile on your face.

Neil is spot on when he notes that the globalist beast is dying. We are currently witnessing it's death throes. Take the UN General Assembly farce that's going on (today's date:- Thursday September 21st). The PM of the UK skipped the entire plop show - his diary was too ' full ', you understand. Macron of France ducked out because he's busy hosting the 'king and queen' of Britain. Xi of China isn't there and Putin avoided it for obvious reasons. Zelensky opened his duplicitous gob and proceeded to insult Poland to such a degree, they have withdrawn supplies to Ukraine for their stupid war.

Biden excelled even himself with his word-salad speeches - incoherent beyond belief. He tottered and stumbled around the stage so much that even I had to look away. It's too horrible to watch. The entire edifice - the beast - is crumbling. Take Rishi Sunak, for example. A no-show at the UNGA and then announcing that the UK is back-pedalling on the net zero targets. He and others of the Tory party are only now aware that trying to force these net zero targets on the population, will bankrupt us instead. Wow! It's a bit late, but at least he seems to have woken up a bit. Of course, all the goblins (climate fanatics) have emerged from under the bridge to attack this latest from Sunak - spouting their usual garbage about human's destroying the planet. But - people are sick to death of them and their destructive drama. I personally suspect the majority are crisis actors. Bought and paid for as disruptors and alarmists.

Neil does point out that a dying beast always goes down kicking, thrashing, screaming and lashing out. The fear is just how much destruction they will cause while in their reluctant death throes. Hmmm!

Bible prophecy warns that the beast will indeed cause massive death and destruction. We are witnessing the end times.

Please come soon, LORD Jesus.

Neil Oliver: Fancy A Revolution? - YouTube