Fay (24 Sep 2023)
"The Dangerous Games they Play"


Hi John and Doves,

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood - in other words, each other. It's against the rulers and leaders and spiritual wickedness. Please see 2nd link. This passage tells us that all the leaders and rulers are corrupt now.

The article in the 1st link is another eye opener. The UK is holding secret talks with Russia? Ostensibly about grain deals? It's like, "Yes, we are busy killing each other but let's not be silly and muck up our grain deals. That's not 'cricket'. The mind doth boggle. Our leaders are truly insane. This is a giant sign of the end times, Doves. There isn't a single leader we can trust. Only our LORD can fix this.

Please come, LORD Jesus.

Ukraine war LIVE: UK holds 'secret talks' with Russia after Putin sparks nuclear fears (msn.com)

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, b... (biblestudytools.com)