Fay (24 Sep 2023)
"Knowing what We Know"


Hi John and Doves,

When Moses requested Almighty God that he could see - even just a glimpse of Him - the following ensued.

What Did Moses See When He Saw the “Back” of God? | Crossway Articles

Simply by the Biblical description alone, Almighty God appears as a purity of force (as in physics) that mere human beings cannot see. It's way too powerful. Human flesh cannot withstand seeing Almighty God as He truly is. Because sin is so prevalent in our world, we cannot survive the purity of purity. THE exquisite purity of Almighty God. Isn't that mind blowing? Only in this age can we recognise Almighty God as a Force. A force SO pure that we cannot survive seeing Him while still in our mortal bodies. It's only when we really clock the sheer magnificence of Almighty God, that we begin to understand the enormous power of what we are all dealing with.

The pathetic machinations of our pathetic governments are being revealed to us. Did you ever see such a bunch of clowns strutting the world stage, like the gawky puppets we have on show today? We have lost respect for the office these mentally challenged people hold. And, do you know why? Because Almighty God is showing us - He is revealing them. In all His mercy and Grace. Thank you, Abba Father God.

We must not let our hearts be troubled. John 14 - linked below. The words are so comforting, Doves. I always have to remind myself that all this earthly trauma is as chaff. I must not attach too much power to it. In other words - we must not let the fear get to us. Confidence and trust in our LORD is key. Almighty God showed us, in Exodus 33, the stupendous power and force that He is. He stretched out the heavens. Created earth. Created us. With all our faults and foibles - we are WONDERFULLY made. We are His Joy. The pinnacle of His Creation. He gave us gardens and our beautiful pets. He endowed us with the ability to love - freely and joyfully. He gave us mountains and rivers. Beautiful food. There is no end to His bounty.

Be it a blessing or a curse - we have also been endowed with freewill. That is a huge responsibility. More massive than secular people realise. I pray for all. It is Almighty God's wish that none are lost.

John 14 KJV - Let not your heart be troubled: ye - Bible Gateway