Fay (24 Sep 2023)
"Exciting Link. Wowza!"


Hi John and Doves,

I picked up this link from Lyn Melvin over at the Revelation12Daily forum. Many thanks, Lyn. Astonishing information that goes toward confirming that 2023 is a Jubilee year. There's more, too.

New HOLY SPIRIT insight about year of Jubilee beginning in Sept. 2023! Highest rapture watch ever!!! - YouTube

The date of September 29th, 1923 is shown to be an extremely pivotal year in the establishment of the modern state of Israel as per the incredible evidence in the video clip above. Back in 1923, September 29th fell on the 5th day of Sukkot. This year of 2023 (100 years later) September 29th falls on the eve of Sukkot (Erev Sukkot). September 29th, 2023 also has a full moon, super moon to highlight the date.

The 5th day of Sukkot falls on October 4th, 2023. I have seen some highlight this day for various reasons.

The video clip is amazing. My brain is full of a jumble of numbers and dates!!

Please come quickly, LORD Jesus. PLEASE.