Fay (24 Sep 2023)
"A Load of Twaddle!!!"


Hi John and Doves,

Instead of allowing my blood pressure to soar, I have decided to laugh at this latest rubbish coming out of UNESCO. What a bunch of outright liars. Badly educated liars. This is SO bad that it's shockingly hilarious. So, UNESCO has designated Jericho as a Palestinian Heritage site. Read their justification for this garbage:-

"UNESCO's decision is not related to the Israel-Palestinian conflict and it is a shame to present it as such. It is a professional decision related to a site from over 11 thousand years ago".

Professional?? By whose standards is this 'professional'? Not politically related?? Come on! 11 thousand years ago?? How the heck did they measure that??? Grrrrrr!

Let's try to keep smiling, Doves. Methinks the lunacy is going to gather even more momentum.

Please come quickly, LORD Jesus.

Shameful: UNESCO classifies ancient Jericho as 'Palestinian heritage site' (israelnationalnews.com)