Fay (13 Sep 2023)
"This is VERY Interesting 2. UH OH!"


Following on from my post on the extended UNESCO meeting - running from September 10th to 25th. An Israeli delegation has been accepted into this shindig which is a first. Saudi Arabia had a lot to do with the allowance of the Israeli delegation's participation. THAT is important. Because Saudi Arabia has a lot of skin in the game - i.e. control over policing the Temple Mount. The Old City of Jerusalem and it's walls are designated as a world heritage site. Therefore UNESCO probably feel they have a great deal of say regarding the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.

Reading the details in the article in the link, I have a feeling they are going to organise an agreement on the basis that Jerusalem is a WORLD HERITAGE site. Not wholly owned by the Jewish people (as declared by Almighty God). Then they will promise Israel peace, security and wealthy returns IF the Israeli's agree to this abomination.

NOW this UNESCO summit makes sense. This is the beginning of something nefarious. Israel is being manipulated into an agreement that divides Israel, divides Jerusalem. The promises of subsequent 'peace and security' are the carrot.

Buckle up, Doves. It's about to get ugly. Our LORD Jesus is coming soon.

Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls - UNESCO World Heritage Centre