Chance (24 Sep 2023)
"China and the Covid-19 Test Kits"

Hello John and Doves,
Now that "Covid-19" is being pushed back to the forefront of the news again and there are rumors of the "vaccine" being mandated...again....the U.S. government will need millions of Covid-19 test kits.  Sound familiar??  And, yet again, the American people are being lied to about money going to Chinese manufacturers for these kits.
And I cover information on China's global DNA collection and how Covid-19 opened the door for this.
In this article, dated, 2023-09-21, "The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Wednesday an investment of 600 million US dollars in the manufacture of new at-home Covid-19 tests and will deliver the tests for free to households across the country." 
"The critical investments in the 12 US manufacturers in seven states "will strengthen our nations production levels of domestic at-home Covid-19 rapid tests and help mitigate the spread of the virus,"  HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement."
"Beginning Sept 25, households will again be able to order four free tests through, the agency said, that that these tests will detect the currently circulating Covid-19 variants and are intended for use through the end of 2023."
Why is this information in  And why are these test kits "intended for use through the end of 2023"?  What happens after December 31, 2023?
And on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website is the article from September 20, 2023, "Biden-Harris Administration Awards $600 Million to Bolster US Manufacturing of Covid-19 Tests and Announces the Re-Opening of"  "Actions are part of ASPRS' comprehensive strategy to strengthen the domestic supply chain and promote access to Covid-19 tests."

"Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), is announcing an investment of $600 million across 12 domestic Covid-19 test manufacturers and the reopening of to deliver Covid-19 tests for free to households across the country.  These critical investments in U.S. manufacturing will improve preparedness for Covid-19 and other pandemic threats of the future, strengthen the nation's capacity to manufacture tests, and secure approximately 200 million new over the counter Covid-19 tests for future federal government use."
The awardees are:
$88.7 million for Access Bio in New Jersey
$4.5 million for Advin in California
$61.2 million for Azure in Texas
$86.4 million for CorDx in California
$167 million for iHealth in California
$20.7 million for InBios in Washington
$31.4 million for Kwell Laboratories in Calivornia
$49.5 million for Maxim Bio in Maryland
$5.7 million for OraSure Technologies in Pennsylvania
$28.7 million for Princeton BioMeditech in New Jersey
$28.6 million for Quidel in Californira
$20.5 million for Sekisui in Delaware
"The Biden-Harris Administration, in partnership with domestic manufacturing, has made great strides in addressing vulnerabilities in the U.S. supply chain by reducing our reliance on overseas manufacturing," said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra.  "These critical investments will strengthen our nation's production levels of domestic at-home Covid-19 tests and help metigate the spread of the virus."
Biden-Harris Administration Awards $600 Million to Bolster US Manufacturing of COVID-19 Tests and Announces the Re-Opening of |
The article repeats "domestic" over and over - and how this provides "good jobs for hard working Americans" and "reduces our alliance on other countries".  What isn't mentioned is that many of these companies are foreign-based.  Like iHealth "in California" - no it's Chinese - $167 million for a CCP company to make Covid-19 test kits for Americans.
In this article dated Jan 27, 2022 in The Dossier, "Chinese companies are making a windfall from Covid Mania."  "Have you received your "free" USPS delivered Covid-19 test in the mail yet?  There's a two out of three chance that it was made in China, according to data retriever from government contract records.  Of the 380 million tax-payer funded Covid-19 tests procured thus far by the Biden Administration, some 250 million of those tests are expected to come from the People's Republic of China."
2/3 of Biden’s ‘free’ taxpayer-funded USPS COVID tests were bought from China
And Feb 2, 2022, in this article "Psaki defends buying $1.3B worth of Covid rapid tests from Chinese company" in the New York Post.  "Pressed on why Biden administration bought $1.3 billion worth of Chinese-made Covid-19 tests being shipped to Americans, Jen Psaki insisted there wasn't enough US capacity to meet demand - despite some domestic manufacturers reducing production last year due to a drop in orders.  The Chinese company Andon Health owns iHealth, which is one of the providers - they signed a $1.3 billion contract with the Pentagon last month for these tests..."
"Rep Michael Waltz (R-Fla) told the Washington Free Beacon that the contract was akin to "paying the arsonist for helping put out the fire" because the pandemic started in China...The Chinese government also allegedly concealed early data about the virus, contributing to its global spread."
They are lying to us:
Now we know, in part, why "domestic" is all over the latest HHS announcement on these test kits - they want the press to know that 'this time' all of the recipients are American companies - "made in America" to prevent any backlash from the press and make Americans think our government can take care of our own in times of need.  And, yet again, the Biden administration, FDA, HHS, are deceiving the American people.  They want us to think that these companies are American companies and that they are investing in American companies.  Why are they lying about this??  The Biden administration did some lying in 2022 - giving CCP companies a huge contract of $1.3 Billion, and only giving US companies like Abbott Labs $306 million and Roch Diagnostics $340 million.  Saying the US companies couldn't keep up with the demand - yet, they absolutely could.  Something is really wrong with this picture!
Psaki defends buying COVID rapid tests from Chinese company
12 companies are receiving American money for Covid-19 test kits:
Access Bio is South Korean (it shows New Jersey, $88.7M), Advin is India (it shows California, $4.5M),  iHealth is China (it shows California, $167M), CorDx is China (it shows California, $86.4M), Kwell is South Korea (it shows California, $31.4M), Maxim Bio is China (it shows Maryland, $49.5M), Princeton BioMeditech is China (it shows New Jersey, $28.7 million) Quidel (it shows California, received 39% of their funding this last quarter from China, $28.6M), Selosui  is Japan (it shows Delaware, $20.5M).  At least 9 of the 12 companies are foreign, at least 5 are Chinese/or heavily funded by China.  That leaves 3 that may be American companies.  So, again, most of the money is going to foreign companies and most of the money is going to China.
And according to this website - these rapid antigen tests are still EUA!  They have not been cleared or approved by the FDA.  They list 64 companies that have home, OTC or doctor office use, etc. antigen tests at approved via EUA!  This is unbelievable.  There is no Covid emergency and these should no longer be EUA approved.  EUA means that "there are no adequate, approved, available alternatives...An EUA is NOT an FDA-approval or clearance."  That's because the FDA doesn't want to approve Covid-19 test kits...for some odd reason.  They've approved numerous other test kits for various illnesses - why not Covid-19?
ViraDx SARS-CoV-2/Flu A B Rapid Antigen Test - Patient Fact Sheet
And some of these rapid antigen tests test for Covid-19 and types A and B influenza viruses.  If you want to check out a specific test, click on one of the links under "Authorization Documents" listed for each manufacturer.  There are instructions/directions for each of the kits.  And testing information as if positive, negative and what to do.  Some kits require a doctor's order, some are home tests.  They all say "for emergency use authorization only".  And about 2/3rds of the 64 companies on this list are 2023 approved!  So a lot are newly approved this year.  The FDA is NOT doing their job to protect the integrity of Covid-19 testing.  (There is a reason for this.)
In Vitro Diagnostics EUAs - Antigen Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2 | FDA
One would think that three or so years into this 'pandemic' that there would be adequate, approved and available alternatives.  There has been plenty of time for the FDA to do their job and follow up on these tests and approve those that 'pass' a rigorous and thorough inspection.  There is a REASON this has not been done.  (Would the Chinese test kits not pass the inspection process??)
If they lie about the funding to 'American' companies for Covid-19 testing, they've lied about most everything else.  They didn't tell us that the majority of these companies are foreign organizations with offices/and maybe manufacturing centers in the US.  So the supplies are all imported from foreign companies.  And the Chinese ones (4 or more?) are getting most of our money.
In this article, dated September 13, 2020, "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has come under fire for seemingly rubber stamping Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Covid-19 testing without offering virtually any data-driven or appropriate testing standards, have been delivering EUAs to China-based pharmaceutical companies at an alarming rate."
The FDA is outsourcing COVID-19 testing to China
Many of our Covid-19 test kits were supplied by China via their company BGI - the Pentagon said that this test supplier was a Chinese military company.   The FDA approved these test kits under Emergency Use Authorization.  "China's largest genomics company, which gained access to U.S. markets and flooded the country with Covid-19 tests early in the pandemic, was named a "Chinese Military Company" by the Pentagon."  
BGI operated a "large-scale Chinese gene databank" and has a "host of DNA sequencing contracts and other financial arrangements with universities and health groups across the globe..."
"The National Counterintelligence and Security Center warned about BGI in February 2021, noting that BGI "has partnered with many research and healthcare entities in America to provide them with genomic sequencing services, while gaining access to health records and genetic data on people in the U.S."
"With the Covid-19 pandemic, the PRC (People's Republic of China) aggressively marketed Chinese Covid-19 testing kits around the world, along with laboratories to support Covid-19 testing, the NCSC said.  These kits were sold in the U.S. and this was the first time the FDA had approved a "device manufactured in China".
The National Institutes of Health (think Fauci et al) permitted China access to genomic data of U.S. citizens.
"BGI pushed nearly a dozen U.S. states to distribute coronavirus tests and attempted to get the products into government labs and even set up their own labs in Nevada and January 2021."
The HHS (Health and Human Services) watchdog released another report in July 2021, concluding that the NIH did not consider the risk presented by foreign principal investigators when permitting access to United States genomic data."
BGI is "...the ultimate company that shows connectivity to both the communist state as well as the military apparatus."
China’s COVID-19 test supplier in US is Chinese military company, Pentagon says | Washington Examiner
Back in 2020, China had a 'flying' Covid-19 testing lab" called Fire Eye - "a portable laboratory that could detect coronavirus infections from tiny genetic elements that the deadly virus leaves behind.. the Chinese inventors of the portable lab, said that not only did it crack the genetic code for viruses but also for human, with machines that can interpret genetic instructions retained within the cells of every person on this planet."
"As per the report, some analysts say that behind China's act of philanthropy, was its hidden agenda to tap into new origins of highly valuable human DNA data in countries around the globe...."Covid-19 was the door", said one senior US intelligence analyst who closely tracks China's biotechnology sector.
"According to the US and Western intelligence officials, China's collection effort, which has been underway for more than a decade now had included the acquisition of US genetics companies and also refined hacking operations."
Here's some more info on the Chinese Fire Eye or Huo-Yan Laboratory.  It's a "high-throughput nucleic acid detection laboratory built according to the needs of the Covid-19 prevention and control based on the laboratory technical solutions BGI has accumulated for years.  It's considered the "forefront guard of the prevention and control of the epidemic."  The name "Huo-Yan" is "derived from the Chinese ancient legend story "Journey to the West" in which Sun Wukong's fire eyes can see the essence of everything."
BGI Group Official Website
Journey to the West - Wikipedia

Human DNA Data, WHY?:
What is China doing with all of this human DNA data?  Are they developing ethnic bioweapons based on human genomes?  Preparing for their domination of the world?  China's Fire-Eye labs are now on four continents and in more than 20 countries - Canada, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Australia... "Beijing's drive to sweep up DNA from across the planet", whose project has Chinese academics and military scientists involved - prompting suspicions of "creating biological weapons that might someday target populations based on their genes."  Genetic information is now referred to as "the new gold".  China's plan is to become the "premier global power of the 21st century".  
"In 2015, Beijing announced its "Made in China 2025" plan, which listed biotechnology as a top target for government investment and a pillar of the country's economic future.  A year later...the Communist Party launched a $9 billion program intended to make China a global leader in genetic sciences, starting with a massive effort to collect and analyze human DNA."  "If China acquires a critical mass of data - and if they are able to analyze and exploit the data - they can co-opt the future."  BGI built the China National GeneBank to store genetic information.  To further their biotech influence and data gathering around the world, in January 2020, BGI Group "became involved in early efforts to decipher the entire genome of what became known as SARS-CoV-2.  ((And it was the CCP/China that presented the world with the mRNA code for the "vaccines"!  They could put anything in there they wanted.))  Within weeks, BGI would quickly follow up by offering commercial tests for the new virus and China would donate millions of its test kits to countries around the world."
"..a 2020 report by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission offered a harsher assessment of the Fire-Eye labs purpose:  they are "providing Chinese researchers with heterogeneous genetic data to serve Chinese ambitions to dominate the biotech market."  Fire-Eye labs "are a source of genetic sequencing data that is available to the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army....Genetic information is regarded by China as an intelligence asset."
"China's armed forces also are showing increased interest in genetic sciences."  China claims that they have no genetically engineered biological weapons..but their acquisition of so much genetic information says differently..."genetics-based weapons are inevitable."
A military strategy publication by the People's Liberation Army-run National Defense University "added a section on biological warfare that highlighted the important of "specific ethnic genetic attacks" in future warfare.  It can be a precise, targeted attack that destroys a race or a specific group of people or a specific person; its potentially huge war effectiveness can bring extreme panic to human beings...It has a high technological content, low cost and great threat."
China’s quest for human genetic data spurs fears of a DNA arms race
Personally, I don't believe that China is collecting all of this genetic data for 'biotechnology' dominance.  I lean more towards the ethnic bioweapons.  Those would be a real military advantage to any country - especially one seeking world dominance. One could 'clean out' countries/even continents of people.
Back to the Covid-19 tests:
And again I ask, why are THEY lying to us about who is making these Covid-19 tests?  There has to be some 'deal' made with China by this administration.  And this 'deal' would then be with the Chinese military.  Nothing coming out of the CCP military is good for Americans.  So what are they doing manufacturing these Covid-19 tests?  Is it just for the money?  Or is there something on the nasal swabs included in the test?  There were rumors about this the last go-around with testing.
Maybe it's just that the Biden administration is transferring American wealth (or what's left of it) to the CCP.  And with the FDA's EUA, these can be just shoddy, worthless Chinese tests that can be used to report a lot of false positive results helping Biden et al get another "pandemic" going in the U.S.  This would fit the narrative for another surge of Covid this fall/winter.  Just like the increase in deaths due to Covid in 2020/2021/2022 was a gross exaggeration perpetrated by the CDC et al to frighten Americans into obeying and into taking the "vaccine".  A lot of false positives would push people back into masks, social distancing, etc.  so they can manipulate more people into getting the "vaccine"?  Which has it's own nefarious purpose.  Or is there going to be 'something' on the Chinese nasal swabs?  Would that be hard to do?  Probably not.  Maybe that's why these rapid Covid-19 tests "are intended for use through the end of 2023."  Does the swab "expire"?  As I wrote above, what happens after December 31, 2023?
The Biden administration, DOJ, FBI, DoD, DHS is too tightly embraced by China/CCP.  The Chinese spy balloon, all of these Chinese Covid-19 test kits - lying about giving the US business to American companies - maybe it is just to line the pockets of the CCP - paying for their military research - funding our own demise - either through their advanced hypersonic missiles, their advanced energy weapons or their ethnic bioweapons.
China is not our friend.  Too many traitors in our country have sold us out.  Lying to the American people - deceiving them;  Americans need to be wary - fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.''
And Biden got the 'new' booster and the flu shot - and he "wants Americans to do the same."  And he got the new RSV shot weeks ago.  (Yet he continues to test positive for Covid-19 - isn't that the definition of stupid - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result??)
Joe Biden got a COVID booster and flu shot. White House urges other Americans to do the same
Use Biden as the poster boy of what NOT to do.
China isn't collecting all of this DNA just because they have a huge gene bank - there is a nefarious purpose - they have plans of world dominance.  And Biden et al are funding this.  And they are lying to the American people to do this.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!